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Don't Move a Muscle: How to Overcome False Hunger.

by OK2BU 2024. 5. 23.

The chronic lack of sleep in modern people is the beginning of a vicious cycle that causes various health problems. Inability to control appetite due to insufficient sleep leads to overeating, which in turn worsens the quality of sleep, creating a vicious cycle. In particular, 'false hunger' that suddenly strikes at night can be a major cause of disrupting a good night's sleep.


The way to break the cycle of lack of sleep and 'false hunger', and to achieve healthy eating habits and good sleep at the same time, is to practice the following five golden habits before bedtime.


Don't Move a Muscle: How to Overcome False Hunger.
This blog post is written to provide health-related information and cannot replace professional medical diagnosis or treatment.


No Snacking Before Bedtime

Eating snacks before going to bed can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, disrupting the sleep cycle, and making it difficult to feel full, leading to the consumption of more food. Moreover, most snacks are low in nutrients and high in sugar, which can be factors that degrade the quality of sleep.


Keep Dinner Light and Finish 4-6 Hours Before Bed

It is advisable to finish dinner 4-6 hours before bedtime. Allowing sufficient time after dinner for the body's energy to be digested and blood sugar levels to stabilize is essential for a good night's sleep. Additionally, dinner should consist of a light diet, including low-fat proteins, nuts, and vegetables rich in fiber.


Creating a Sleep-Inducing Environment

A comfortable sleeping environment is essential for a good night's sleep. Please maintain appropriate bedroom temperature and humidity, and ensure thorough soundproofing and blackout. Also, refrain from using mobile phones, TVs, computers, and other electronic devices before going to bed, and using comfortable bedding can also be helpful.


Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is effective for stress relief and inducing sleep. However, intense exercise right before bedtime can instead cause excitement and disrupt sleep, so it should be avoided.


Bathing or Foot Bath with Warm Water

Taking a bath or foot bath with warm water before going to bed can help lower body temperature and improve blood circulation, aiding in getting a good night's sleep.


If 'false hunger' persists even after practicing these methods, there may be other health issues, so it is advisable to consult a specialist. Additionally, the suitable method may vary depending on an individual's health status and constitution, so it is important to find the right method for you and practice it consistently.


Enjoy a more vibrant and healthy life through these five golden habits that fool 'false hunger' and help you maintain healthy eating habits and get sound sleep!


This blog post is written to provide health-related information and cannot replace professional medical diagnosis or treatment. Always consult a medical professional for any health concerns or issues.