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Beware Not Only of the Cold: Understanding the Risks and Prevention of Heat-Related Strokes.

by OK2BU 2024. 5. 23.

During the summer, high temperatures and dehydration can lead to various health issues, notably an increased risk of stroke. A stroke is a serious condition where brain cells are damaged due to insufficient blood supply to the brain, making early prevention and management crucial. In this blog post, we'll explore what to watch out for to reduce the risk of stroke during the summer and discuss specific prevention methods.


Beware Not Only of the Cold: Understanding the Risks and Prevention of Heat-Related Strokes.
This summer, adopt healthy lifestyle habits to reduce the risk of stroke and enjoy a healthy summer.


Major Causes of Summer Strokes

Dehydration and Stroke

In the sweltering summer heat, blood vessels dilate to regulate body temperature. This can slow down blood flow and hinder the supply of blood to the brain. Using air conditioning indoors and then suddenly going outside into the heat can make it difficult to regulate body temperature. Such abrupt temperature changes excessively activate the sympathetic nervous system, causing blood vessels to constrict and increasing the risk of stroke.


If you sweat heavily and don't replenish fluids sufficiently, dehydration can occur. Dehydration increases blood viscosity, promoting the formation of blood clots, which can lead to ischemic stroke. Research indicates that for every 1-degree rise in temperature during summer, stroke mortality rates increase by 2.1%.

Overactivation of the Sympathetic Nervous System Due to Temperature Differences

The stark temperature difference between indoor and outdoor environments is another risk factor for stroke. During summer, air conditioning is used extensively. When you suddenly go from a well-cooled indoor environment to a hot outdoor one, the sympathetic nervous system becomes overactive. This causes blood vessels to constrict rapidly, blood pressure to rise, and the risk of stroke to increase.


Preventive Measures for Summer Strokes

Adequate Hydration

To prevent summer strokes, maintaining adequate hydration is crucial. Even if you're not thirsty, develop the habit of drinking a glass of water every 1-2 hours. After sweating heavily outdoors, drink more than two cups of water at once to quickly replenish body fluids.

Proper Use of Air Conditioning

When using indoor cooling, ensure that the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors does not exceed 10 degrees. Maintain a comfortable indoor environment with appropriate humidity and ventilation, even when using air conditioning.

Regular Exercise and Healthy Eating

Maintaining regular exercise and a healthy diet is essential. Special attention is needed if you have chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, or heart disease. Regular exercise promotes smooth blood circulation and helps maintain an appropriate body weight.

No Smoking and Moderate Drinking

Smoking and excessive drinking significantly increase the risk of stroke. Quitting smoking and drinking in moderation are important practices for maintaining vascular health.

Consumption of Seaweed

Seaweed is very beneficial for blood health. Seaweeds like sea mustard, kelp, and hijiki are rich in components that lower blood viscosity and improve blood circulation. For example, sea mustard contains alginic acid, a soluble fiber that prevents sugar absorption in the intestines and regulates blood sugar levels. It also helps eliminate cholesterol and triglycerides, preventing arteriosclerosis.


Lifestyle Habits to Prevent Summer Strokes

Consistent Hydration Habits

Hydration is particularly important in summer. Here are some tips for maintaining proper hydration.

  • Drink Water Before Thirst Hits: By the time you feel thirsty, dehydration has already begun. Make it a habit to drink water regularly.
  • Carry a Water Bottle: Always carry a water bottle when going out and replenish fluids frequently.
  • Use Sports Drinks: When sweating heavily during exercise, drinking sports drinks that contain electrolytes can be helpful.

Maintaining Proper Indoor Temperature

Minimizing the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor environments when using air conditioning is important. Consider the following.

  • Set Appropriate Temperature: Avoid setting the air conditioner too low; maintain it at around 24-26 degrees Celsius.
  • Control Humidity: Keep humidity at 40-60% to create a comfortable environment.
  • Ventilation: Periodically open windows to ventilate and keep indoor air fresh.

Regular Exercise

Regular exercise promotes smooth blood circulation and helps maintain cardiovascular health. Consider the following for summer exercise.

  • Exercise in the Morning or Evening: Avoid the hot temperatures of midday by exercising in the morning or evening.
  • Adequate Hydration: Drink water frequently during exercise to stay hydrated.
  • Appropriate Exercise Intensity: Avoid overexertion and choose exercises that match your fitness level.

Healthy Eating Habits

Light meals and adequate hydration are important during summer. Here are some tips for maintaining a healthy diet.

  • Eat Seaweed: Regularly consume seaweed like sea mustard, kelp, and hijiki to maintain blood health.
  • Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables with high water content to stay hydrated and nourished.
  • Low-Fat, High-Protein Meals: Avoid fatty foods and consume low-fat, high-protein meals to manage your weight.

No Smoking and Moderate Drinking

Tobacco and alcohol adversely affect vascular health. Reduce your risk of stroke by implementing the following.

  • Quit Smoking: Smoking narrows blood vessels and disrupts blood circulation, increasing the risk of stroke.
  • Moderate Drinking: Excessive alcohol consumption raises blood pressure and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Drink in moderation.


In summer, high temperatures and dehydration can increase the risk of stroke. You can prevent stroke by maintaining adequate hydration, using air conditioning properly, exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and avoiding smoking and excessive drinking. Those with chronic illnesses need to be especially cautious. This summer, adopt healthy lifestyle habits to reduce the risk of stroke and enjoy a healthy summer.
