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Discover the Seasonal Foods of June That Are Excellent for Replenishing Energy.

by OK2BU 2024. 6. 12.

June marks the beginning of summer, a time when rapidly rising temperatures can easily lead to fatigue. To combat the heat, proper nutrition is essential. June offers a variety of seasonal foods that are great for replenishing energy and maintaining health. In this post, we will explore in detail the healthy seasonal foods that you should consume in June.


Eel: The Ultimate Health Food

Eel is a representative health food in season between May and June. It is rich in vitamins A and E, calcium, and iron, making it excellent for recovering from fatigue and replenishing energy. Particularly, the mucin and chondroitin found in eel are effective for boosting stamina and enhancing vitality.


Eating eel with ginger and chives is even better. Ginger helps remove the fishy smell of eel and aids digestion, while chives boost the immune system. However, it is advisable to avoid fruits like peaches, apples, and grapes after eating eel, as their organic acids can hinder fat digestion in the eel, potentially causing diarrhea.


Discover the Seasonal Foods of June That Are Excellent for Replenishing Energy.
It is crucial to pay extra attention to your health during the summer months.


Korean Black Raspberry (Bokbunja): Nature’s Vitamin Supplement

Bokbunja, in season in June, is a red fruit rich in vitamins A and C and various minerals, making it very beneficial for recovering from fatigue. Especially when eaten with eel, Bokbunja enhances the absorption rate of vitamin A, creating a complementary effect. Bokbunja contains anthocyanin compounds, which have strong antioxidant properties and help prevent aging.


Bokbunja is also known for boosting vitality. The name "Bokbunja" comes from the belief that consuming this fruit strengthens urine flow, thereby earning its name which means "overturning urine bottle."


Potato: A Versatile Health Food

Potatoes, in season from June to September, are a versatile health food that can be used in various dishes. Potatoes contain 396mg of potassium per 100g, helping to excrete sodium and effectively control blood pressure in hypertensive patients. They are also rich in vitamin C, which boosts immunity, alleviates fatigue, and helps prevent aging.


The vitamin B in potatoes strengthens mucous membranes, and the starch protects the stomach. Eating potatoes with cheese enhances their nutritional value, as the vitamins A, B1, B2, niacin, calcium, and phosphorus in cheese complement the nutrients in potatoes.


Oriental Melon (Chamoe): Hydration and Nutrition

Chamoe is a fruit with high water content, making it an excellent choice for hydration during the hot summer months. It promotes effective diuretic action and is rich in potassium and vitamin C, which are beneficial for health. The skin of chamoe contains more antioxidants than the flesh, making it effective for preventing aging and lowering cholesterol levels in the blood vessels.


When consuming chamoe skin, wash it thoroughly with baking soda and slice it thinly to add to cold noodles or seafood salads, allowing you to enjoy both its texture and nutritional benefits.


Plum: A Natural Aid for Digestion

Plums are useful for recovering from summer fatigue. They are rich in various nutrients such as vitamins A and C, and potassium. Particularly, the picric acid in plums removes harmful bacteria from the stomach, helping to prevent stomach upset and food poisoning. Additionally, the citric acid in plums aids in detoxifying the digestive system and regulating bowel movements.


If you have trouble digesting food, drinking plum tea can help. However, when consuming plums, be sure to remove the seeds, as they contain amygdalin, a natural toxin that can be harmful.



It is crucial to pay extra attention to your health during the summer months. The various foods that are in season in June are rich in nutrients that help replenish energy and recover from fatigue. Consuming a variety of seasonal foods like eel, Bokbunja, potatoes, chamoe, and plums can help you stay healthy even during the hot summer. Each food has unique characteristics and nutrients, so combining them diversely can maximize their health benefits.


This summer, stay healthy and enjoy a vibrant season by incorporating seasonal foods into your diet!
