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Master the Art of Using Your Refrigerator: Learn How to Extend the Shelf Life of Your Food.

by OK2BU 2024. 6. 13.

After purchasing food, we often store it in the refrigerator if we don't consume it right away. However, merely placing food in the fridge doesn't ensure its freshness. Without proper storage methods tailored to each type of food, it can spoil quickly, even in the refrigerator. In this blog post, we'll take an expert look at the correct storage methods for meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, and eggs to help keep your food fresh for longer.


Master the Art of Using Your Refrigerator: Learn How to Extend the Shelf Life of Your Food.
Keeping your food fresh is the first step toward maintaining good health.


Meat: The Key to Freshness is Preventing Oxidation

Meat requires special care to maintain its freshness. Here are some important methods to keep your meat fresh when storing it.


  • Apply Cooking Oil: Lightly coating the surface of meat with cooking oil can delay oxidation and inhibit the growth of spoilage bacteria. This effectively maintains the meat's freshness.
  • Divide into Small Portions: Instead of storing a large chunk of meat, divide it into single-use portions, coat each with cooking oil, wrap in plastic wrap, and store. This helps preserve the meat’s original taste and freshness for a longer period.
  • Use Salt and Alcohol for Freezing: When freezing meat, sprinkle it with salt and add a little cooking wine before placing it in an airtight container or vacuum-sealing it. This helps maintain its freshness.
  • Avoid Slicing Too Thinly: Refrain from slicing meat too thinly before storage. The increased surface area exposed to air increases the risk of spoilage.



Fish: Secrets to Maintaining Freshness and Nutritional Value

Fish must be consumed in a very fresh state to fully enjoy its nutritional value and taste. Here’s how to store fish properly.


  • Remove Guts and Blood: When storing fish, it’s crucial to remove the guts and blood. This delays spoilage and helps maintain freshness.
  • Sprinkle with Salt: After cleaning the fish and drying it well, sprinkle it with salt and place kitchen paper inside the belly before storing.
  • Wrap Individually: To minimize contact with air, wrap each fish individually in plastic wrap.
  • Store in the Back of the Fridge: Store fish in the back of the refrigerator, where the temperature fluctuation is minimal.



Vegetables and Fruits: Different Methods Depending on Washing

The storage method for vegetables and fruits varies depending on whether they are washed or not. Here’s how to store washed and unwashed produce.


  • Unwashed Produce: For unwashed fruits and vegetables, avoid trimming or cutting them. Instead, wrap them whole in newspaper a few times and store them in the designated refrigerator compartment. This helps prevent moisture loss and keeps them fresh.
  • Washed Produce: When storing washed produce, thoroughly remove dirt and impurities, place them in a container, and seal with plastic wrap or store in an airtight container. This prevents bacterial growth and maintains freshness.



Eggs: Proper Storage to Prevent Spoilage

Eggs can spoil easily if not stored correctly. Here’s how to keep your eggs fresh.


  • Store Unwashed: Keep eggs unwashed and store them in the back of the refrigerator. Eggshells have pores and a thin membrane that help prevent bacteria from penetrating.
  • Pointed End Up: Store eggs with the pointed end facing up. This allows air to move in and out of the shell, preventing spoilage.



Additional Tips: General Principles for Food Storage

In addition to specific storage methods for each type of food, following some general principles can help keep all your food fresh for longer.


  • Maintain Proper Temperature: Keep your refrigerator at 1-4°C and your freezer below -18°C.
  • Control Humidity: When storing vegetables and fruits, maintain appropriate humidity levels. Use the humidity control feature in your fridge if available.
  • Keep It Clean: Always keep the interior of your refrigerator clean to prevent bacterial growth and food contamination.
  • Separate Storage: Store meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products separately to prevent cross-contamination.



Keeping your food fresh is the first step toward maintaining good health. By following the proper storage methods tailored to the characteristics of meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, and eggs, you can ensure that your food remains fresh in the refrigerator. Use the information provided in this post to enjoy healthier and fresher food at home. Maintain a fresh table and protect your health with proper storage methods!
