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Eating Habits for Longevity: How to Practice Healthy Small Eating.

by OK2BU 2024. 6. 20.

Eating less, or "small eating," is a habit that significantly impacts health and longevity. When practiced properly, it can offer numerous benefits beyond weight management. However, small eating doesn't simply mean drastically reducing food intake; it must be done systematically and in a balanced manner. In this post, we will explore how to practice small eating healthily and its benefits.


Eating Habits for Longevity: How to Practice Healthy Small Eating.
Small eating is a habit that significantly impacts health and longevity.


Benefits of Small Eating

Reduction of Inflammatory Responses

Reducing caloric intake can decrease inflammation in the body. Inflammation can lead to various chronic diseases, so reducing it through small eating can improve overall health.

Weight Management

Small eating is effective for weight control. Consuming about 500 fewer calories daily can lead to a weight loss of approximately 0.5 kg per week, and maintaining this for six months can result in a 10% reduction in initial body weight. This is highly beneficial for preventing and managing obesity.


An analysis of the diets of long-lived people, particularly those in the Blue Zone of Okinawa, Japan, shows that they practice "hara hachi bu," a habit of eating until they are 80% full. This calorie restriction significantly contributes to their longevity.


How to Practice Small Eating

Avoid Eating Too Little

Eating too little in an attempt to practice small eating can harm your health. If you consume fewer calories than your body needs, it will break down stored fat for energy. However, if this continues, muscle and organ tissue can start to break down, leading to serious health issues.

Reduce Calories Appropriately

Before practicing small eating, it's advisable to reduce your usual caloric intake by 20-30%. If calculating calories is difficult, divide the amount of food you usually eat in two meals into three meals. For example, if the daily recommended calorie intake for a man in his 40s is 2300-2500 kcal, reduce the calories consumed in two meals to about 1600 kcal, and add a small snack to consume 1610-1750 kcal.

Eat Less Side Dishes Than Rice

When reducing meal portions, it's better to eat less side dishes than rice. This way, you can lower your caloric intake while still getting essential nutrients. Ensure you consume the usual amount of vegetables to avoid deficiencies in vitamins, calcium, and other essential nutrients. The key is to reduce the intake of nutrient-poor foods like noodles and rice.

Eat Slowly

Eating slowly and chewing thoroughly can naturally help practice small eating. The brain's satiety center, which signals fullness, is stimulated about 20 minutes after eating begins. Using chopsticks instead of a spoon can help you eat more slowly.


Specific Meal Plans for Small Eating


Breakfast is an important meal to start your day with energy. Choose light but nutritious options. For example, pair oatmeal or whole grain cereal with milk, or opt for scrambled eggs with vegetables. This ensures you get the necessary nutrients without excessive calories.


For lunch, choose meals rich in protein and vegetables. A chicken breast salad or a dish with salmon and quinoa are good options. Reduce the portion of rice and increase the variety of vegetables to maintain satiety while controlling calorie intake.


Dinner should be the lightest meal of the day. Opt for vegetable soup or grilled vegetables with a small amount of protein. Avoid eating too late, and take a light walk after dinner to aid digestion.


Additional Tips for Practicing Small Eating

Snack Management

Choose healthy snacks like fruits or nuts. Avoid sweets and opt for fruits or yogurt to avoid unnecessary calorie intake.


Drinking enough water is also important. A glass of water before meals can help reduce food intake naturally. Water also plays a crucial role in boosting metabolism and eliminating toxins from the body.

Stress Management

Stress can lead to overeating, so managing stress is essential for practicing small eating. Activities like yoga, meditation, or light exercise can help relieve stress and maintain healthy eating habits.

Regular Exercise

Regular exercise complements small eating in maintaining a healthy weight. Consistently engage in activities you enjoy, such as walking, running, or swimming. Exercise not only helps with weight management but also positively impacts mental health.


Long-term Effects of Small Eating

Longevity and Health

Consistently practicing small eating can provide significant long-term benefits for health and longevity. Research indicates that small eating can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

Weight Maintenance

Small eating is effective for managing weight and preventing weight regain. It plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy weight and improving overall quality of life.

Mental Stability

Practicing small eating also helps with mental stability and enhances concentration. Proper eating optimizes brain function and stabilizes mood.



Small eating is a habit that significantly impacts health and longevity. It's not about eating less recklessly but practicing it systematically and in a balanced manner. By reducing calories appropriately, eating less side dishes than rice, and eating slowly, you can practice small eating healthily. Additionally, regular exercise, stress management, and sufficient hydration can maximize the benefits of small eating. Practice healthy small eating to enjoy a better quality of life.
