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How to Identify Potential Weight Gain: Do You Know the Cracker Test?

by OK2BU 2024. 6. 20.

Understanding your body type is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet. Different body types require different diets and exercise routines. Recently, Dr. Sharon Moalem, an American geneticist, proposed the "Cracker Test" as a simple method to determine your body type and how your body metabolizes carbohydrates. In this post, we'll explore the principles of the Cracker Test, the characteristics of each body type, and customized diet strategies based on the results.


How to Identify Potential Weight Gain: Do You Know the Cracker Test?
Understanding your body type and maintaining a lifestyle and diet that suits it is a crucial step toward a healthy life.


The Principle of the Cracker Test

The Cracker Test is a simple method to determine your body type using just a cracker, without any special equipment. Here's how to perform the test.

  • Preparation: Prepare a sugar-free cracker and a timer.
  • Start the Test: Gather saliva in your mouth and then start chewing the cracker.
  • Detect Sweetness: Record the time when you first notice a sweet taste. If you don't detect a sweet taste, stop the test after 30 seconds.
  • Repeat: Repeat the process twice and record the average time.


Body Types Based on Test Results

Based on the test results, body types can be broadly categorized into three groups.

  • Full Carb Type: If you detect sweetness within 14 seconds, you efficiently utilize carbohydrates for energy. People in this group are less likely to gain weight from snacks.
  • Moderate Carb Type: If you detect sweetness between 15 and 20 seconds, you obtain energy from a balanced intake of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. This group is more prone to weight gain from snacks compared to the Full Carb Type.
  • Restricted Carb Type: If it takes longer than 30 seconds to detect sweetness, you use fats more efficiently than carbohydrates for energy. Excessive carbohydrate intake is likely to be stored as body fat.


Customized Diet Strategies Based on Body Type

Formulating a diet strategy based on your body type is crucial for effective weight management.

Full Carb Type

  • Diet: Maintain a balanced diet that includes carbohydrates but avoid excessive intake. Choose complex carbohydrates (brown rice, oats, quinoa) over refined ones (white bread, sugar).
  • Exercise: Combine aerobic exercises with strength training to manage body fat.

Moderate Carb Type

  • Diet: Obtain 40-50% of daily calories from carbohydrates, with the rest from proteins and fats. Opt for complex carbohydrates over refined ones.
  • Exercise: Balance aerobic and strength exercises to reduce body fat and maintain muscle mass.

Restricted Carb Type

  • Diet: Follow a low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diet. Obtain only 20-30% of daily calories from carbohydrates, with the rest from proteins and fats. The ketogenic diet may be particularly effective.
  • Exercise: Engage in high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to effectively burn body fat.


The Physiological Background of the Cracker Test

The scientific basis of the Cracker Test lies in the activity of the enzyme amylase, which breaks down carbohydrates in the mouth. Crackers are composed of starch, a chain of sugar molecules, and amylase breaks these down to produce a sweet taste. The higher the amount and activity of amylase, the faster the breakdown of carbohydrates and the quicker the detection of sweetness.


Thus, individuals who quickly taste sweetness are categorized as having a high carbohydrate metabolism, while those who taste it slowly or not at all have a slower carbohydrate metabolism.


Practical Tips for Improving Body Type

After identifying your body type through the Cracker Test, it's essential to adjust your lifestyle and diet accordingly. Here are some practical tips.

Diet Adjustment

  • Full Carb Type: Maintain a balanced diet, reduce refined carbohydrate intake, and choose complex carbohydrates.
  • Moderate Carb Type: Maintain dietary variety and balance the proportions of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in each meal.
  • Restricted Carb Type: Adopt a low-carb diet, ensuring adequate intake of healthy fats (avocado, olive oil) and proteins (chicken, fish).

Exercise Plan

  • Full Carb Type: Combine aerobic and strength exercises to maintain overall fitness and muscle mass.
  • Moderate Carb Type: Follow a balanced exercise program to reduce body fat and maintain muscle mass.
  • Restricted Carb Type: Engage in high-intensity and strength exercises to effectively burn body fat and increase muscle mass.

Lifestyle Habits

  • Stress Management: Manage stress through meditation, yoga, or other relaxation techniques as stress can lead to hormonal imbalances and weight gain.
  • Sleep Management: Ensure 7-8 hours of quality sleep daily as it is essential for metabolic health.
  • Regular Check-ups: Monitor your body type and health status through regular check-ups and seek professional advice when necessary.



Understanding your body type and maintaining a lifestyle and diet that suits it is a crucial step toward a healthy life. The Cracker Test is a simple yet effective method to identify your carbohydrate metabolism type and formulate a customized diet strategy. Using this information, you can maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
