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Why You Might Be Getting Bitten by Mosquitoes More Often and How to Keep Them Away.

by OK2BU 2024. 6. 21.

When summer arrives, mosquitoes become an unwelcome guest, causing discomfort and potential health risks. These tiny pests can disrupt your sleep, cause itching, and transmit various diseases, earning them the title of "the world's deadliest animals." So, how can we protect ourselves from mosquito attacks? In this post, we will explore how to effectively repel mosquitoes using scents and colors they dislike.


Why You Might Be Getting Bitten by Mosquitoes More Often and How to Keep Them Away.
Effective mosquito control during summer is crucial for maintaining health and comfort.


Scents and Colors That Attract Mosquitoes

Scents Mosquitoes Like

Mosquitoes use their highly sensitive senses to locate their blood meals, relying heavily on sight and smell. They are particularly attracted to the following scents.

  • Body Odor and Sweat: Mosquitoes are drawn to the smell of human skin and sweat. Compounds like carboxylic acids, which produce a scent similar to cheese or foot odor, attract mosquitoes. Additionally, sweat containing ammonia and octenol is appealing to them, making those who sweat more prone to mosquito bites.
  • Carbon Dioxide: Mosquitoes can detect the carbon dioxide exhaled by humans. People with higher metabolic rates, children, pregnant women, and larger individuals emit more carbon dioxide, making them more likely to be bitten.
  • Type O Blood: Studies have shown that mosquitoes prefer individuals with type O blood, as it provides them with more nutrients.

Colors Mosquitoes Like

Mosquitoes are attracted to certain colors, particularly red and black. Therefore, avoiding these colors during outdoor activities can help reduce the likelihood of getting bitten. Mosquitoes use visual cues to locate their targets, and red and black are particularly attractive to them.


Scents and Colors That Repel Mosquitoes

Scents Mosquitoes Dislike

To keep mosquitoes away, utilizing scents they dislike is effective. Here are some scents that repel mosquitoes.

  • Eucalyptol: This compound, found in eucalyptus, tea tree, and rosemary plants, is one of the most effective mosquito repellents.
  • Coconut Scent: Mosquitoes also dislike the scent of coconut. Applying coconut oil to your skin or using coconut-scented products can help keep mosquitoes at bay.

Colors Mosquitoes Dislike

Using colors that mosquitoes dislike can also help in repelling them. Mosquitoes are known to avoid the following colors.

  • Green: Mosquitoes do not favor green. Studies have shown that while mosquitoes react to red, they tend to ignore green.
  • Blue and Purple: Mosquitoes also dislike blue and purple. Wearing clothing or using decorations in these colors can help reduce mosquito bites.


Mosquito Repellent Methods

Natural Mosquito Repellents

  • Plants: Planting eucalyptus, tea tree, and rosemary, which contain eucalyptol, in your garden or around your home can effectively repel mosquitoes. These plants' scents keep mosquitoes away.
  • Essential Oils: Using essential oils such as eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, rosemary oil, and coconut oil on your skin or in diffusers can help repel mosquitoes. These oils are effective in keeping mosquitoes at a distance.

Environmental Management

  • Regular Cleaning: Keep your home and surroundings clean and regularly empty trash bins to remove mosquito breeding grounds.
  • Avoid Standing Water: Mosquitoes lay eggs in standing water, so ensure there are no stagnant water sources around your home. Pay attention to water accumulation in plant saucers, gardens, and trash can lids.
  • Use Mosquito Nets: Install mosquito nets on windows and doors to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.

Personal Management

  • Clothing: Wear light-colored clothing and cover up with long sleeves and pants during outdoor activities to minimize skin exposure. Opt for clothing in colors like green, blue, and purple, which mosquitoes dislike.
  • Mosquito Repellents: Use mosquito repellents containing DEET or picaridin on your skin or clothes to prevent mosquito bites. These repellents are highly effective when applied directly.
  • Fan Usage: Mosquitoes are weak fliers, so using fans or air conditioning to circulate air can help keep them away.



Effective mosquito control during summer is crucial for maintaining health and comfort. Avoid scents and colors that attract mosquitoes, and make use of those they dislike to keep them at bay. By employing natural methods, managing your environment, and taking personal precautions, you can minimize mosquito bites and enjoy a more comfortable summer. Implement these strategies to ensure a safe and healthy season free from the nuisance of mosquitoes.

