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How to Beat the Heat with Your Pets This Summer.

by OK2BU 2024. 6. 21.

As the scorching summer approaches, our pets can also suffer from heat-related health issues. With a body temperature about 2 degrees higher than humans, pets are more sensitive to heat. Their fur makes it difficult for them to release heat, increasing the risk of heat-related illnesses. In this post, we'll explore how to prevent and manage heatstroke in pets, especially during the hot summer months.


How to Beat the Heat with Your Pets This Summer.
To ensure your pet’s well-being during the hot summer months, it’s crucial to understand and implement heatstroke prevention and emergency measures.


Heatstroke in Pets: Causes and Risks

The Danger of Heatstroke

A pet’s normal body temperature should stay below 39°C (102.2°F). If it rises above 40°C (104°F), heatstroke is a concern. Heatstroke can cause organ damage and various complications, potentially leading to death. Pets with short noses and flat faces (brachycephalic breeds like Bulldogs, Pugs, and Persian cats) are particularly at risk because they have difficulty regulating their body temperature through breathing. Pets release heat through a small number of sweat glands located around their paws and noses and primarily rely on panting and external cooling. Brachycephalic breeds, however, have narrow nasal passages, making it harder for them to cool down through panting.

Symptoms of Heatstroke

Signs that your pet may be suffering from heatstroke include.

  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Irregular breathing and heartbeat
  • Excessive panting
  • Unusually distracted behavior
  • Seizures

In cats, additional symptoms may include.

  • Bright red tongue
  • Red or pale gums
  • Excessive drooling

If these symptoms appear, take your pet to the nearest veterinarian immediately.


Managing Heatstroke in Pets

Emergency Care

If you can't get to a vet right away, follow these steps for emergency care.

  • Move your pet to a cool area.
  • Wet your pet's fur with cool water (not ice water) and use a fan or air conditioner to blow air on them.
  • Repeat this process until your pet’s breathing stabilizes.

Preventive Measures

  • Adjust Walk Times: Avoid walking your pet during the hottest part of the day. Opt for early mornings or late evenings.
  • Check Surface Temperatures: Avoid hot pavement or sand, which can severely burn your pet’s paws.
  • Indoor Temperature Control: When leaving pets at home, ensure proper ventilation or keep the air conditioning on to prevent the indoor temperature from rising too high.
  • No Unattended Pets in Cars: Never leave your pet alone in a car on a hot day. The interior can heat up rapidly, becoming deadly for your pet within minutes.

Tips for Maintaining Your Pet's Health in Summer

  • Provide Plenty of Water: Always have fresh water available to prevent dehydration. Place water bowls in multiple locations for easy access.
  • Diet Management: Reduce high-protein and high-fat foods in summer, and include fresh vegetables and fruits to keep your pet’s diet light.
  • Weight Management: Obesity increases the risk of heatstroke, so maintaining a healthy weight through proper diet and exercise is essential.
  • Skin Care: Summer can trigger skin conditions. Regularly check your pet's skin and consult a vet if necessary.
  • Cooling Spaces: Create cool areas for your pet to escape the heat, such as shaded spots or air-conditioned rooms.



To ensure your pet’s well-being during the hot summer months, it’s crucial to understand and implement heatstroke prevention and emergency measures. By providing sufficient hydration, managing their diet, and offering a comfortable resting area, you can help your pet enjoy a healthy and happy summer. Proper temperature management is not just about maintaining health but also saving lives. Use this guide to ensure a safe and enjoyable summer with your beloved pets.
