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Debunking Myths About Severe Pain: Uncovering the Truth About Kidney Stones.

by OK2BU 2024. 6. 21.

Kidney stones are a painful condition that occurs within the urinary tract, often causing acute abdominal pain and prompting visits to the emergency room. According to recent reports from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, men are affected nearly twice as often as women, with middle-aged individuals between 40 and 60 years old being the primary patient group.


There are several misconceptions surrounding this disease. Let's dispel some common misunderstandings and explore accurate prevention and management methods.


Debunking Myths About Severe Pain: Uncovering the Truth About Kidney Stones.
Kidney stones are preventable. Maintaining adequate hydration and healthy lifestyle habits are crucial.


Does holding urine frequently lead to kidney stones?

Rumors suggest that holding urine frequently increases the risk of kidney stones. However, this varies depending on the type of stone. Stones in the kidney or ureter are not related to the frequency of urination; instead, middle-aged men who experience difficulties in urine excretion due to conditions like prostate enlargement are more prone to bladder stones.


Is gout associated with the occurrence of kidney stones?

Studies indicate that about 20% of gout patients have kidney stones, with 80% of these being uric acid stones. This means that elevated uric acid levels due to gout increase the risk of stone formation. Therefore, gout patients should manage their condition with consistent medication and also regulate urine acidity.


Is passing a stone in urine the end of the issue?

Passing a kidney stone does not mean the problem is resolved. Preventively, it's crucial to maintain adequate hydration to reduce urine concentration. Especially for those who have experienced kidney stones before, the risk of recurrence is high, necessitating consultation with a specialist at the onset of similar symptoms.


How should pain relievers be taken?

Taking pain relievers for the severe pain caused by kidney stones is common. However, in cases of intense pain, specialized treatment in the emergency room may be necessary. Pain relievers provide temporary relief, but their usage should always be under the guidance of a healthcare professional.


What about the relationship between kidney stones and pregnancy?

While clear research results on the success rate of pregnancy in kidney stone patients are lacking, addressing issues caused by kidney stones during pregnancy is essential. Particularly for women, kidney stones occurring during pregnancy may require complex treatments.


Does vitamin C intake trigger kidney stones?

Excessive intake of vitamin C can produce oxalate, a possible cause of kidney stones. However, at appropriate levels, vitamin C offers various positive effects. Therefore, consuming the right amount is important.



Kidney stones are preventable. Maintaining adequate hydration and healthy lifestyle habits are crucial. Especially for those who have had kidney stones before, regular medical check-ups and advice from specialists are necessary. Actively preventing and managing kidney stones based on accurate and systematic information is vital for maintaining a healthy urinary tract.
