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The Unwelcome Summer Guest: Flies and Their Impact.

by OK2BU 2024. 8. 14.

As summer arrives, many people enjoy picnics and barbecues outdoors. However, even during these pleasant moments, flies, the unwelcome guests, can intrude. Many of us have wondered whether it is safe to eat food that a fly has briefly landed on. In this post, we will explore the effects flies have on food and safe methods to protect our health.


The Unwelcome Summer Guest: Flies and Their Impact.
Safely handling food that flies have landed on is essential for protecting our health.


What Role Do Flies Play?

The Ecology and Characteristics of Flies

Flies are insects that are widely distributed around the world and are easily found near humans and animals. While they contribute to the decomposition of organic matter in nature, they are also well-known vectors for spreading various diseases. Instead of chewing food, flies liquefy and absorb it. They do this by regurgitating digestive enzymes to break down the food, which they then ingest. As a result, flies are frequently found on decaying food, excrement, and other unhygienic areas.

Bacteria That Flies Can Spread

Flies have numerous hairs on their legs and bodies, which can carry various types of bacteria and pathogens. Research indicates that flies can spread over 351 types of bacteria. Some of these include Salmonella, E. coli, and other pathogens that can cause serious diseases.


Diseases Transmitted by Flies

The Risk of Infectious Diseases

Flies are potential vectors for infectious diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and typhoid fever. Houseflies can potentially transmit at least 65 different diseases to humans, while black flies can carry pathogens that cause gastric ulcers and sepsis. The risk of these infectious diseases increases, particularly in warm and humid climates.

The Situation in Korea

In Korea, cases where flies have directly transmitted zoonotic diseases are rare, but the risk of indirect contamination and cross-contamination due to flies remains. Cross-contamination refers to the transfer of harmful microorganisms or bacteria from one surface to another, and flies can be carriers of such contamination.


The Impact of Flies on Food

The Speed of Bacterial Transmission

Even a brief moment of a fly landing on food can result in the transmission of bacteria. Although the movement of bacteria is slow, it can become rapid if there is moisture on the food's surface. Even if a fly is only present for a second, it is enough time for bacteria to spread.

Food Safety

Food that a fly has landed on can pose health risks, so caution is necessary. Due to the potential contamination by flies, consuming such food is not advisable. Extra caution is needed, particularly for children, the elderly, and individuals with weakened immune systems.


How to Safely Handle Food That Flies Have Landed On

Precautions When Consuming Food

  • Remove the Area Where Flies Landed: It is best to remove at least the part of the food where a fly has landed. If possible, cut out the affected section and consume the remaining part safely.
  • Cook Food Thoroughly: Ensure that meat and other foods are cooked thoroughly to eliminate bacteria. Most bacteria are killed at high cooking temperatures.
  • Use Food Covers: When eating outdoors, protect food with covers to prevent flies from landing on it.
  • Maintain Clean Surroundings: Keep the environment clean while preparing or eating food to deter flies.

Preventive Measures

  • Use Fly Repellents: Reduce flies by using electric fly swatters or fly repellents.
  • Improve Food Storage Methods: Avoid leaving food outdoors for extended periods. Consume it quickly or store it in the refrigerator to minimize fly contact.
  • Maintain Hand Hygiene: Wash hands thoroughly before eating to reduce the possibility of cross-contamination.


Coexisting with Flies: Harmony with Nature

Flies play an important role in nature, but they require caution in human life. It is crucial to seek ways to coexist with flies while respecting nature. While we cannot completely eliminate flies, we can maintain a safe distance from them and enjoy a healthy diet.

Sustainable Methods

  • Use Natural Insect Repellents: Protect the environment by using insect repellents made from natural ingredients instead of chemical ones.
  • Manage Your Garden: Manage the garden around your home to reduce fly habitats. Properly dispose of garbage and do not leave decaying food around.


Conclusion: Wisdom for a Safe Diet

Safely handling food that flies have landed on is essential for protecting our health. By recognizing the risks of diseases and bacteria that flies can spread and taking preventive measures, we can minimize these risks. It is important to strive for harmony with nature and maintain a healthy diet. We must remember that these small actions can safeguard our health and, furthermore, protect the environment.
