It has been observed that more people in modern society are experiencing 'workaholism' - an addiction to work. According to a study published by the Korean Society of Industrial and Labor Studies in 2018, 7% of workers in South Korea are considered to be workaholics. While being passionate about work is commendable, excessive dedication to one's job can have an impact on health. In this article, we will explore the definition, symptoms, and potential solutions for workaholism.
The Psychological Condition of Workaholism: 'Workaholic Syndrome'
Workaholism is a psychological condition known as 'Workaholic Syndrome.' This term encompasses an obsession with financial success, a tendency to strive for perfection in work, and an overestimation of one's capabilities. It goes beyond simply being engrossed in work and is distinguished by the inability to disengage from work. According to a study from Nottingham Trent University, workaholism can manifest in indicators such as the perceived importance of work, mood changes due to work, resistance, withdrawal symptoms, social conflict, and repetitive behavior.
Key Symptoms of Workaholism
In the book 'Chained to the Desk' by Brian E. Robinson, the following key symptoms of workaholism are outlined:
Always feeling rushed and busy.
Excessive planning and organization.
Being dissatisfied and perfectionistic.
Experiencing strained relationships due to work.
Constantly working and frequently complaining.
Experiencing a sense of euphoria from work.
Impatience and frequent irritability.
Seeking to validate one's worth solely through work.
Feeling there is no time to take care of oneself.
If many of these symptoms resonate, it may be worth considering the possibility of workaholism.
Health Issues Related to Workaholism
Workaholism can be a trap that leads to neglecting one's health. Being overly engrossed in work can lead to a reduction in basic physiological needs such as appetite and sleep. This can result in improper eating habits and inadequate rest, potentially leading to digestive problems. Additionally, illnesses may go untreated and worsen. Furthermore, workaholics may be at risk of developing depression when not engaged in work due to their reliance on work for mental rewards. They may also face difficulties in interpersonal relationships.
Ways to Overcome Workaholism
To break free from workaholism, it is crucial to establish clear boundaries between work and leisure time. Setting aside specific times for work and dedicating time to distance oneself from work is beneficial. Increasing the time spent with family and friends is also recommended. Engaging in regular hobbies can be helpful as well. However, if overcoming workaholism proves challenging alone, seeking professional counseling is advised.
While enhancing a sense of achievement and job satisfaction is important, excessive pursuit of these goals can pose a threat to health. Striving for a balanced lifestyle is crucial to living a healthy life.
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