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3 Rules to Maximize the Effectiveness of Exercise.

by OK2BU 2023. 11. 12.

Exercise is an essential activity for maintaining the health of our body and mind. However, to maximize the effectiveness of exercise, it's important to know the proper stretching techniques and the right times to work out. In this post, we will explore three rules that can help enhance the effectiveness of exercise.


3 Rules to Maximize the Effectiveness of Exercise.
By following these three rules, you can maximize the effectiveness of your exercise routine.



Dynamic Stretching Before, Static Stretching After

Before starting exercise, it's advisable to perform dynamic stretching. This includes light activities like jogging or arm circles. Dynamic stretching increases heart rate, ensuring that blood flows smoothly to the muscles, which in turn enhances the efficiency of the workout. It also prepares the joints and muscles for the upcoming exercise without putting excessive strain on them. On the other hand, after exercising, static stretching should be done. This involves holding positions that target specific muscle groups. It helps gradually reduce the heightened muscle stimulation from activity, promotes easy relaxation, and ensures smooth blood circulation to maintain a warm body temperature. Additionally, using a foam roller to gently roll over the desired muscle areas while lying down or sitting for about 10 minutes can also be effective.


Post-Meal for Muscle Building, Pre-Meal for Weight Loss Goals

Depending on the exercise goal, there are optimal times for enhancing the effectiveness of workouts. If the goal is to increase muscle mass, exercising after a meal is effective. Before exercising, it's important to have a meal rich in protein and carbohydrates to prevent muscle loss. Carbohydrates are essential nutrients used as energy during exercise. If the body lacks carbohydrates, proteins in the muscles may be used instead, potentially leading to muscle reduction. Therefore, consuming sufficient protein before exercise is crucial. On the other hand, if weight loss is the goal, it's advisable to exercise on an empty stomach. Exercising before a meal helps more effectively burn body fat. However, exercising on an empty stomach may lead to overeating immediately after, so caution is advised. To prevent overeating, it's recommended to have a meal 1 to 2 hours after exercising.


Aim for 6-8 Hours of Sleep

Adequate sleep is also crucial to maximize the effectiveness of exercise. Lack of sleep can hinder proper muscle function. Muscles obtain energy from a type of carbohydrate called glycogen. Insufficient sleep can lead to reduced glycogen storage, which may result in improper muscle function. According to research, when comparing groups that slept for 8 hours or more with those who slept for less than 6 hours, the group with less than 6 hours of sleep showed lower exercise performance. Therefore, to enhance the effectiveness of exercise, it's important to ensure at least 6-8 hours of sleep. However, excessive sleep can also be problematic, so maintaining an appropriate sleep duration is key.


By following these three rules, you can maximize the effectiveness of your exercise routine. We hope that these healthy exercise habits will contribute to the well-being of your body and mind.
