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Should We Continue Taking Omega-3? Exploring the Risk of Atrial Fibrillation.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 4.

Omega-3, renowned for its benefits and various health effects, has recently stirred controversy due to its potential connection to a critical side effect known as atrial fibrillation. Following the decision of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee, atrial fibrillation has been added to the list of potential side effects of omega-3, and this information is expected to be reflected domestically. Amidst the confusion among those currently taking omega-3, let's examine the current situation and expert opinions.


Should We Continue Taking Omega-3? Exploring the Risk of Atrial Fibrillation.
For those currently taking or considering omega-3, there is no immediate need to discontinue in the current situation.


Can Those Currently Taking Omega-3 Rest Assured?

Those currently taking omega-3 for cardiovascular conditions can rest assured for the time being. Experts mention that individuals who have been taking omega-3 without experiencing any unusual symptoms need not worry about atrial fibrillation. Furthermore, there is no immediate need to discontinue omega-3 consumption.


While there is a possibility of atrial fibrillation as a side effect, current research results do not confirm a clear correlation between omega-3 intake and atrial fibrillation. Therefore, if you are taking omega-3 stably and without issues, there is no immediate need to discontinue.


Caution with High-Dose Omega-3 Intake

According to research results from agencies like EMA, there is a potential risk of atrial fibrillation with high-dose omega-3 intake (more than 4000mg per day). Therefore, caution is advised when cardiovascular patients consider high-dose omega-3. However, most health supplements recommend doses ranging from 500 to 2000mg per day, so there is minimal concern with such dosages.


Debate on the Preventive Effects of Omega-3 on Cardiovascular Diseases

Opinions regarding the preventive effects of omega-3 on cardiovascular diseases vary. Some experts argue that while omega-3 may help improve triglyceride levels, it does not directly prevent cardiovascular diseases. Several organizations, including the American Heart Association, have announced that omega-3 does not help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases in patients with chronic coronary artery diseases.


However, there is an opinion that patients with high triglyceride levels may indirectly expect preventive effects on cardiovascular diseases through the reduction of triglyceride levels. Therefore, if you are taking omega-3 for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, it is crucial to consult with experts for appropriate measures tailored to your current health status.


Need for Review of Medications and Supplements for Cardiovascular Patients

Patients with cardiovascular diseases should have their current medications and supplements reviewed by experts. Especially for those with high triglyceride levels, careful consideration is needed when taking omega-3 for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Through such reviews, the risk of side effects due to incorrect consumption can be minimized.


Caution is Needed in the Current Situation, but No Immediate Discontinuation is Required

For those currently taking or considering omega-3, there is no immediate need to discontinue in the current situation. Consulting with experts to take appropriate measures based on your current health status, and consuming omega-3 at suitable dosages and methods, is crucial. Additionally, cardiovascular patients should have their current medications and supplements reviewed by experts for careful management.
