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Boost Your Winter Health with Properly Seasoned Sashimi.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 3.

During winter, many people seek seasonal sashimi for its delicious taste and potential health benefits. However, consuming raw seafood can pose a risk of food poisoning. Adding wasabi, or chili pepper paste, to your sashimi can help mitigate this risk. Wasabi, also known as Japanese horseradish, not only adds a unique spiciness to your dish but also offers antimicrobial effects. In this article, let's delve into the efficacy of wasabi and its potential to improve memory.


Boost Your Winter Health with Properly Seasoned Sashimi.
In conclusion, adding wasabi to your seasonal sashimi not only enhances its flavor but also contributes to preventing food poisoning and improving memory.


Antimicrobial Effects of Wasabi

Wasabi contains two key antimicrobial compounds: allyl isothiocyanate and methylthioalkyl isothiocyanate. These compounds possess a potent antimicrobial power, approximately 100 times stronger than the phenolic disinfectants commonly used. This is why wasabi is effective in preventing food poisoning.


In particular, consuming wasabi alongside raw seafood can help reduce the risk of harmful bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella, O-157, Vibrio cholerae, and Staphylococcus aureus, which may be transferred during processing or handling.


Memory Improvement Effects of Wasabi

Scientific research has indicated that wasabi can contribute to memory improvement. According to a study published in the journal "Nutrients," experiments conducted on 72 individuals aged between 60 and 80 showed that those who consumed wasabi pills containing 6-methylsulfinylhexyl isothiocyanate (6-MSITC) demonstrated enhanced long-term and short-term memory.


Over a three-month period, seniors who took wasabi pills scored higher in memory tests, including tasks related to connecting names with faces, compared to their counterparts who did not consume wasabi.


Appropriate Intake and Precautions

It's essential to note that excessive consumption of large amounts of wasabi may irritate the stomach lining. When choosing commercial wasabi products, opt for those with high wasabi content to maximize its benefits.


In conclusion, adding wasabi to your seasonal sashimi not only enhances its flavor but also contributes to preventing food poisoning and improving memory. However, maintaining a balanced intake and adjusting based on individual health conditions are crucial. Enjoy the enticing combination of new flavors and health benefits with seasoned sashimi!
