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6 Reasons Why You Should Maintain Proper Posture While Using Your Smartphone.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 3.

The posture we adopt when reading books or using smartphones can impact not only our eyes but also our overall health. Let's explore various conditions that can arise from prolonged activity in such positions and discover effective posture management techniques.


6 Reasons Why You Should Maintain Proper Posture While Using Your Smartphone.
The posture while using smartphones or reading books affects not only the eyes but the overall health of the body.


Use of Glasses for Glaucoma Prevention

When leaning over to read books or use smartphones, the pressure on the eyes can increase intraocular pressure, elevating the risk of glaucoma. Using glasses designed to alleviate eye strain can be helpful in preventing this condition. Consult with an eye health professional to find the right glasses for you.


Prevention of Forward Neck Posture and Stretching

Reading books or using smartphones in a forward-leaning position can lead to forward neck posture. Maintain proper neck posture and keep neck and shoulder muscles flexible through regular stretching. Periodic stretching can help prevent forward neck posture.


Prevention of Lumbar Lordosis and Maintaining Proper Posture

Leaning over with the belly to the ground for an extended period can cause lumbar lordosis. It's advisable to sit up straight, placing books at eye level on a desk for reading. If maintaining posture is challenging, regular lumbar stretches can help keep your lower back healthy.


Skincare for Wrinkle Prevention

Aside from health concerns, adopting a forward-leaning position can cause wrinkles on the neck and face. To prevent wrinkles, especially around the neck, incorporate proper skincare. Use moisturizing creams to maintain skin health and minimize wrinkles around the neck.


Proper Smartphone Usage Habits

If changing your reading habits is challenging, at least maintain proper smartphone usage habits. Avoid bringing your smartphone too close to your eyes and ensure it is at eye level. Blink frequently to reduce eye strain and perform eye exercises at regular intervals to alleviate eye fatigue.


Adequate Rest and Exercise

Prolonged smartphone use in a forward-leaning position can strain the entire body. Adequate rest and consistent exercise contribute to overall body resilience. Incorporate stretching or exercise routines to balance your body and include eye exercises to reduce eye strain.

The posture while using smartphones or reading books affects not only the eyes but the overall health of the body. Maintaining proper posture and habits, seeking professional advice when needed, and being mindful of posture management are crucial for better health. Pay attention to your posture while using smartphones for improved well-being!
