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Wrinkles Starting from the Neck? Let's Manage Them This Way.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 3.

The neck, with its thin skin, frequent movement, and fewer oil glands, is an area prone to developing wrinkles. Especially since the neck is often exposed and not covered by clothing, prolonged exposure to UV rays can lead to skin aging and increased wrinkle formation. If you already have neck wrinkles, don't despair. Start preventing and improving wrinkles with neck skincare today.


Wrinkles Starting from the Neck? Let's Manage Them This Way.
Neck wrinkles are a preventable and improvable concern. Reduce and maintain healthy skin on your neck by adopting proper skincare and habits.


Prevention Using Sunscreen

UV rays are a significant cause of skin aging and wrinkles. It's essential to diligently apply sunscreen to the neck, from the front to the back, before going out. After returning home, moisturize to prevent dryness after showering. Gently apply sunscreen from the face to the neck and shoulders, massaging as you go. Particularly for those who have developed neck wrinkles due to factors like childbirth or sudden weight loss from dieting, consider using neck wrinkle prevention products.


Choose the Right Pillow Height

Properly adjusting the height of your pillow is crucial for preventing neck wrinkles. An excessively high pillow can contribute to the development of neck wrinkles and may affect neck muscles and blood circulation. For men, an ideal pillow height is around 8cm, while for women, it's approximately 6-7cm. Adjust the pillow height to match your physique. If you have a lean physique, consider lowering the pillow by about 1cm; for those with a larger build, raising it by 1cm is recommended. Aim for a pillow height that aligns your body horizontally when lying down.


Neck Wrinkle Prevention Stretches

There are stretches that can help prevent neck wrinkles. Gently tilt your head backward, moving it up and down and side to side alternately, slowly stretching the neck. Hold each stretch for 3-5 seconds. Repeating the motion of opening and closing your mouth helps relax the muscles connecting your face to your neck, preventing neck wrinkles. Incorporate these stretches into your routine at home or work, especially if you spend extended periods sitting, to alleviate tension in the neck muscles.


Neck wrinkles are a preventable and improvable concern. Reduce and maintain healthy skin on your neck by adopting proper skincare and habits. Small efforts can significantly contribute to preventing skin aging over an extended period.
