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Effective Meal Strategies for Weight Loss: Mastering Satiety.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 5.

Struggling with not feeling full for a long time, leading to unnecessary calorie intake, is a common problem for many. Let's explore meal strategies that can help address this issue and contribute to weight loss.


Effective Meal Strategies for Weight Loss: Mastering Satiety.
There are various strategies to maintain satiety and aid weight loss through meals.


Choose Foods with Low Glycemic Index

To experience sufficient satiety from meals, it's effective to structure your diet around foods with a low Glycemic Index (GI). The Glycemic Index indicates how quickly blood sugar rises after consuming food, with 70 or above being high, 56-69 medium, and 55 or below low. Foods with a low GI slow the rise and fall of blood sugar, allowing for prolonged satiety. For example, while white rice has a GI of 69.9, barley has a lower GI of 35.4, making it more suitable for maintaining a feeling of fullness.


Start Meals with Vegetables

Consuming vegetables at the beginning of a meal aids in feeling full. The rich dietary fiber in vegetables slows down the digestion and absorption of subsequent carbohydrates. It's advisable to prioritize consuming raw vegetables and fermented ones for optimal dietary fiber intake.


Extend Meal Time and Eat Slowly

Chewing meals for 20 minutes or more and around 30 times is crucial. Adequate chewing increases the time taken for consumption, resulting in an extended feeling of fullness. After consuming food, blood sugar rises, triggering the release of GLP-1 hormone, which suppresses appetite and helps maintain satiety. Research even suggests that more GLP-1 is secreted when food is chewed slowly.


Consume Water 30 Minutes Before Meals

Drinking two glasses (500mL) of water 30 minutes before meals reduces the feeling of hunger, leading to a decrease in meal consumption. Water in the stomach diminishes the feeling of hunger, translating into a reduction in meal quantity. Water circulates in the body, promoting metabolism and calorie expenditure. Studies have shown that individuals who consumed 500mL of water before meals over 12 weeks consumed an average of 40-200kcal less per meal.


There are various strategies to maintain satiety and aid weight loss through meals. Practicing strategies such as opting for low-GI foods, prioritizing vegetable consumption, eating slowly, and drinking water can contribute to a healthy diet. Rather than strictly adhering to set rules, it's essential to find an approach that suits you. Let's adopt these habits to form a healthy eating pattern while working towards weight loss.
