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Overcoming Brain Function Decline from Prolonged Sitting: Try Squats!

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 8.

One of the common issues faced by many in today's society is the sedentary lifestyle of sitting for extended periods. This habit can compromise blood circulation, increasing the risk of various health conditions. Particularly, the impact on the brain can lead to serious problems like mild cognitive impairment. However, recent research suggests an interesting solution to maintain brain function – incorporating half squats into your routine.


Overcoming Brain Function Decline from Prolonged Sitting: Try Squats!
The analyzed research suggests that incorporating half squats into your routine may be effective in maintaining brain function.


Risks of Sedentary Lifestyle and Brain Function

Sedentary living compresses blood vessels, elevating the risk of various health issues. Impaired blood circulation, especially to the brain, can result in decreased cognitive function and even mild cognitive impairment.


The Remarkable Effects of Half Squats

A study conducted by the American Physiological Society involved 20 adults. Participants sat undisturbed for three hours, followed by another three hours during which they performed half squats for one minute every 20 minutes. Blood pressure, blood flow, and heart rate were measured throughout, and cognitive function tests were conducted at the end of each session.


Research Findings and Significance

The results showed a 3.7% decrease in blood flow in the internal carotid artery while participants were sitting. However, during half squats, there was a 0.3% increase. The internal carotid artery accounts for 75% of the total blood flow to the brain, playing a crucial role in brain function.


Practicing Half Squats and Their Effects

Half squats involve leaning against a wall or performing a partial squatting motion. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees to a 30-40 degree angle, and hold the position for 10-15 seconds.


The research team analyzed that half squats help train the muscles in the hips and thighs, promoting blood circulation and preserving brain function. Therefore, making a conscious effort to move, especially in environments with prolonged sitting, can contribute to maintaining healthy brain function.


The analyzed research suggests that incorporating half squats into your routine may be effective in maintaining brain function. Since these simple efforts can positively impact brain health, it's advisable to integrate them into daily habits. A healthy brain is the first step toward a healthy life.
