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Innovative Smell-Based Dieting Methods – Experience Effective Weight Loss with Pre-Meal Habits.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 11.

It is well known that dieting is closely tied to eating habits. Particularly for those who enjoy food and have a tendency to overeat, controlling appetite becomes crucial. This blog post explores the effective smells and habits for dieting that can be employed before meals.


Innovative Smell-Based Dieting Methods – Experience Effective Weight Loss with Pre-Meal Habits.
To succeed in dieting, it's essential to employ smart strategies that go beyond simple dietary restrictions.


Before Eating, Inhale Peppermint or Grapefruit Scents.

Research suggests that smelling specific scents before meals can lead to a decrease in the amount of food consumed. Peppermint and grapefruit scents are closely linked to the brain through the sense of smell, allowing them to be utilized for appetite control. Information detected by olfactory receptors influences emotions, memory, hormone secretion, and peppermint scent, in particular, aids in suppressing appetite.


The refreshing aroma of peppermint is effective in reducing appetite and decreasing calorie intake. According to a study published in the Appetite Journal, individuals exposed to the scent of peppermint showed an average reduction of 2800 kcal in weekly calorie intake. This has proven to be beneficial for weight loss.


Additionally, grapefruit scent is also known to assist in dieting. According to Japanese research, the scent of grapefruit activates the sympathetic nervous system, contributing to fat breakdown.


Before a Proper Meal, Drink a Glass of Water... An Effective Dieting Strategy.

According to a study from the University of Birmingham in the UK, drinking a sufficient amount of water before a meal is effective for weight loss. The study compared a group that drank water 30 minutes before a meal with a group that ate when already full. The group that consumed water before the meal lost an average of 4.30 kg over 12 weeks, while the group that ate with a full stomach only lost 0.79 kg.


Drinking water increased the metabolic rate by more than 30%, leading to increased calorie expenditure. Drinking water 30 minutes before a meal is an effective strategy for dieting, assuming there are no digestive or gastrointestinal issues.


Divide One Meal into Multiple Courses.

Dividing a single meal into multiple courses can also be beneficial for dieting. Consuming soup or other appetizers before lunch can result in consuming about 20% fewer calories. Salads made with fresh vegetables, such as lettuce or broccoli, are effective appetizers for dieting. Vegetables like these are low in calories and induce a feeling of fullness, aiding in weight loss.


To succeed in dieting, it's essential to employ smart strategies that go beyond simple dietary restrictions. Utilize various methods mentioned above to manage meals more effectively and embark on a healthy diet journey.
