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Preparing for Myocardial Infarction in Single-Person Households.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 11.

With the advent of the era of 10 million single-person households, those living alone are seeking ways to prepare for emergency situations. Heart problems, in particular, have emerged as a serious concern, and it is essential to be aware of how to handle such situations. According to the recently released '2023 Administrative Safety Statistics Yearbook,' in 2022, single-person households accounted for 41.0% of the total households, totaling 9,724,256 households.


Preparing for Myocardial Infarction in Single-Person Households.
Attention is needed to respond swiftly based on accurate and medically validated information.


Myocardial infarction is one of the critical situations that individuals living alone must be especially cautious about. The heart muscle receives oxygen and nutrients through the coronary arteries. If these arteries become blocked, the heart muscle begins to necrotize, requiring immediate response to increase survival rates.


While acute myocardial infarction does not necessarily mean losing consciousness and collapsing, the speed of consciousness loss varies due to the blockage of coronary arteries. According to statistics, most patients complain of chest pain for about 30 minutes, and it is crucial to call 119 immediately at that time. Especially, if severe chest pain radiating to the left shoulder and accompanied by cold sweats occurs, immediate contact with 119 is necessary.


However, in the case of elderly individuals with impaired physical functions, they may only complain of other symptoms without chest pain, so attention to disease management is crucial.


Information on emergency response methods is often circulated on communities and the internet. However, methods such as forcefully coughing, consuming saltwater, or causing wounds to bleed have no medical basis, and these methods can delay treatment, increasing the likelihood of death.


One medically validated intervention is the use of nitroglycerin. This vasodilator is effective not only for myocardial infarction patients but is also stocked in ambulances. However, it requires a prescription as a specialized medication and is applied to patients at high risk of myocardial infarction.


To increase the survival rate of single-person household members in the event of myocardial infarction, it is advisable to collapse in a public place when severe chest pain occurs. This is because methods such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) can be used. According to research, survival rates are higher when collapsing in a public place than at home. Additionally, young patients experiencing myocardial infarction due to arrhythmias can survive with AED treatment alone, and in such cases, the 119 report should already be completed.


As the number of single-person households increases, knowing how to respond to emergency situations has become crucial. In particular, being aware of emergency measures related to heart diseases can increase survival rates. Acute myocardial infarction is one of the situations requiring immediate emergency measures, emphasizing the need for prompt and effective responses.


It is important to emphasize that emergency response methods circulating in communities have no medical basis. Actions like forceful coughing, saltwater consumption, or causing injuries can worsen the situation. One medically validated method is the use of nitroglycerin. However, it should be used under the guidance of a medical professional and requires a prescription.


To enhance the survival rate of single-person household members from myocardial infarction, preparation for emergency situations in public places is necessary. It is crucial to collapse in an environment where assistance can be sought when severe chest pain occurs. The use of CPR and AED in public places is a critical measure that can improve survival rates. Research shows that these measures result in higher survival rates than when performed at home.


Finally, it is essential to emphasize that young patients experiencing myocardial infarction due to arrhythmias can significantly improve their chances of survival with AED treatment alone. However, in this case, AED treatment should be administered after already reporting to 119. In the modern era of increasing single-person households, preparing for emergency situations when alone is highly important. Attention is needed to respond swiftly based on accurate and medically validated information. Particularly, the ability to handle emergency situations related to heart diseases requires practical information and education.
