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Why Thoughts Are Resistant to Change as We Age: The Birth of Stubbornness Molded by Time

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 11.

As we age and accumulate various experiences and wisdom in our minds, our tendencies change. Particularly, our self-assertion strengthens, making it challenging to accept differing opinions. Let's explore the root causes of this phenomenon and examine how to cope with stubbornness if it becomes entrenched.


Why Thoughts Are Resistant to Change as We Age: The Birth of Stubbornness Molded by Time
While stubbornness is a part of aging, maintaining a healthy and flexible mindset is possible with proper coping mechanisms and attitudes.


Reduced Brain Connectivity and Cognitive Rigidity

Aging involves a process that diminishes the connectivity of the brain. As we age, the connections between neurons, known as synapses, decrease, making it difficult to embrace new ideas or perspectives. Professor Gwak Geum-joo of Seoul National University's Psychology Department explains that "as people age, they tend to stick to the behaviors and thoughts they've been accustomed to, leading to stronger self-assertion and stubbornness."


Self-defense Mechanism and Resistance

As physical flexibility diminishes, and activities become restricted with age, there may be a reluctance to engage in new challenges or learning. This can function as a form of self-defense. Fear of making mistakes as one ages can give rise to a strengthened self-defense mechanism, contributing to heightened stubbornness. For example, a preference for traditional bank tellers over automated devices may align with this mindset.


Different Attitudes Toward Life

Individuals who maintain a more accepting attitude toward new experiences, even as they age, tend to resist stubbornness. Despite the decrease in brain connectivity, actively embracing new experiences becomes possible. This positive approach to learning and change helps to counteract the rigidity associated with aging.


Methods to Overcome Stubbornness

If stubbornness becomes prominent, there are several methods to overcome it and maintain flexibility


Sustain a mindset of curiosity and continuous learning: Retain a curious attitude and keep learning, similar to childhood. Life is a perpetual learning process, and this approach helps activate the brain's connections.


Health management and recognizing limitations: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle while being aware of physical limitations is crucial. This recognition enables overcoming self-defense mechanisms and adaptability.


Communication through respect and understanding: Engaging in conversations that adapt to the situation and involve mutual respect and understanding is vital. In situations where stubbornness prevails, maintaining a relationship based on respect and understanding is more desirable than adopting a rigid attitude.


While stubbornness is a part of aging, maintaining a healthy and flexible mindset is possible with proper coping mechanisms and attitudes. Accepting changes associated with age and sustaining an open-minded approach to new challenges is essential for overall well-being.
