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The Benefits and Precautions of Rice Crust.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 13.

Rice crust, known as "nurungji" in Korean, is a popular traditional food enjoyed by many. Despite its savory and unique flavor, there are precautions to consider when consuming rice crust. Let's delve into the details of the benefits and potential health concerns associated with this beloved dish.


The Benefits and Precautions of Rice Crust.
While rice crust is delicious and nutritionally rich, it requires careful consumption and preparation.


Rice crust is formed when moisture from the bottom of the rice cooker permeates or evaporates, resulting in a savory taste. This dish is rich in dextrin, amino acids, and dietary fiber, which contribute to aiding digestion. Dextrin promotes digestion, while amino acids and dietary fiber are effective in alleviating hangovers. Additionally, the starchy liquid produced by pouring water over the rice crust and boiling it can have health benefits. The dissolved glucose in this liquid neutralizes the body's acidity and refreshes the palate.


However, there are several considerations when making rice crust. Prolonged heating of rice crust may lead to the formation of acrylamide, a substance suspected of being carcinogenic. According to research from the Department of Food and Nutrition at Hanyang University, as the heating time of rice crust increases, polyphenols and antioxidants also increase, along with the formation of acrylamide. The research team concluded that limiting the heating time to within 5 minutes is appropriate.


Especially for individuals with high blood sugar or diabetes, excessive consumption should be avoided. Due to its small volume and starch-focused nature, rice crust can be easily overconsumed, leading to a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. According to a joint study by the Department of Food and Nutrition at Gachon University and Seoul National University, the estimated glycemic index (GI) of rice crust is 72. A higher GI indicates a faster rise in blood sugar levels after consumption, corresponding to a high glycemic index.


While rice crust is delicious and nutritionally rich, it requires careful consumption and preparation. By limiting heating time and being mindful of blood sugar management, you can enjoy the taste and nutritional benefits of rice crust simultaneously. Maintaining a balanced and cautious approach to rice crust consumption is crucial for a healthy diet, allowing the harmonious coexistence of flavor and nutrition.
