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The Impact of Mouth Breathing Habits on Individuals.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 13.

Unconsciously breathing with an open mouth during sleep can lead to mouth breathing, causing potential issues such as gum diseases and a decline in sleep quality. In this article, we'll explore the reasons behind mouth breathing habits, their diverse causes, and ways to address and improve the situation.


The Impact of Mouth Breathing Habits on Individuals.
Physical devices like mouth taping can effectively prevent mouth breathing. Mouth taping involves using tape to secure the jaw, preventing mouth breathing during sleep.


Reasons for Mouth Breathing: Suspecting Mouth Breathing Signals

If you find yourself breathing with an open mouth without a clear reason, pay attention to various signals. These may include snoring, difficulty waking up in the morning, dry throat upon waking, difficulty achieving deep sleep, dry lips, frequent nighttime bathroom visits, acid reflux, rough skin, excessive yawning, and chronic fatigue symptoms. If these signs are present, there's a likelihood that you are unintentionally mouth breathing during sleep.


Diversity in the Causes of Mouth Breathing: Allergies, Sleep Apnea, etc.

There are various reasons for mouth breathing. Individuals experiencing difficulty breathing due to diseases tend to breathe through their mouths during sleep. Conditions associated with mouth breathing include allergic rhinitis, sleep apnea, upper airway resistance syndrome, etc. Sleep apnea is a condition where breathing stops momentarily during sleep, leading to mouth breathing. Upper airway resistance syndrome involves difficulty breathing during sleep due to a narrow airway. Additionally, using a high pillow can contribute to mouth breathing by narrowing the airway.


Issues Caused by Mouth Breathing: Weakened Immune Function and Decline in Sleep Quality

Mouth breathing can lead to a dry mouth, potentially causing gum diseases and cavities. Persistent mouth breathing can also result in changes to facial skeletal structure, such as protruding jaws and an undefined jawline. Moreover, mouth breathing can compromise immune function. Research conducted by Dr. Zhang Hu of Shandong University in China revealed that individuals who mouth-breathe during sleep experience reduced immune function and increased systemic inflammation. Furthermore, impaired oxygen supply due to mouth breathing can lead to a decline in sleep quality, contributing to increased fatigue. Reduced oxygen saturation may also lead to poor blood circulation and potential skin issues.


Prevention and Improvement of Mouth Breathing: Addressing the Root Causes

To prevent mouth breathing habits, it's crucial to identify and address the underlying causes. If there is no underlying medical condition, adjusting pillow height is recommended. The appropriate pillow height for adult males is 6-8 cm, and for adult females, it's 5-7 cm.


Physical devices like mouth taping can effectively prevent mouth breathing. Mouth taping involves using tape to secure the jaw, preventing mouth breathing during sleep. Before using mouth taping, practice becoming accustomed to nasal breathing while awake. However, individuals with conditions like sleep apnea may find mouth taping obstructive, and caution is advised. People with sensitive skin should consult a healthcare professional before using tape. Especially for children, avoiding tape usage is recommended due to potential difficulties in self-removal during emergencies.
