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The Importance of Body Lotion: When Should You Apply It?

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 13.

In the current chilly weather, where the skin tends to quickly dry out, many people are turning to post-shower body lotion to care for their skin. However, using body lotion after completely drying off with a towel is not the most effective way to moisturize. Let's explore some professional tips on when to apply body lotion for optimal effectiveness.


The Importance of Body Lotion: When Should You Apply It?
By following these professional tips, you can effectively care for your skin with post-shower body lotion.


Apply Before Moisture Completely Dries

Applying body lotion right after a shower is most effective when the skin still retains some moisture. Common moisturizers contain a blend of humectants and occlusives. Humectants draw in moisture, while occlusives form a protective barrier to prevent moisture evaporation. Therefore, applying body lotion when the skin is not completely dry after a shower allows the skin to trap more moisture, leaving it in a hydrated state. For optimal results, it is recommended to apply moisturizer within 3 minutes after showering.


Facial Cleansing at the Sink, Not in the Shower

Washing your face with the showerhead during a shower may not be ideal for your skin. Since facial skin is more sensitive than the rest of the body, the high water pressure and rough impact from the showerhead can irritate the skin. When cleansing your face, it's better to do so at the sink with a gentle touch. This helps prevent skin imperfections and maintains a healthy skin condition.


Avoid Applying Treatments to the Scalp

It's crucial to avoid applying treatments or conditioners to the scalp. These products often contain silicone to soften hair and add shine. Silicone does not dissolve in water, making it challenging to rinse off the scalp properly and potentially causing irritation. This could lead to allergies, inflammation, and even hair loss. If mistakenly applied to the scalp, ensure thorough rinsing to prevent any residue.


By following these professional tips, you can effectively care for your skin with post-shower body lotion. Keep these guidelines in mind to maintain healthy skin and preserve moisture, especially during dry seasons.
