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Year-End Health Checkup Season: Understanding Essential Screening Items.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 14.

As December approaches, many individuals are gearing up for health checkups. However, the required health screening items vary slightly depending on age. In this post, we will explore in detail the important health screenings for different age groups, ranging from teenagers to those in their 60s.


Year-End Health Checkup Season: Understanding Essential Screening Items.
Remember, prevention is the best medicine! Let's embrace a healthier life through age-appropriate health screenings.


Teens to 20s: Early Detection of Chronic Diseases and Cancer Screening

The teenage to twenties is a critical period for early detection and prevention of chronic diseases. It's essential to monitor values related to diseases that may arise or worsen depending on lifestyle habits. Basic screening includes measurements of weight, height, blood pressure, blood tests (for hepatitis A and B, liver function, cholesterol, diabetes, anemia), and chest X-rays (for AIDS, tuberculosis). It's crucial to determine whether these results indicate normalcy or if lifestyle improvements are necessary.


For individuals with a family history or concerns about specific diseases, cancer screening, especially for colon cancer, should be considered. Given the increasing incidence of colon cancer in younger age groups, individuals with a family history or altered bowel habits should consider fecal occult blood tests or colonoscopies. Additionally, women, who are more prone to thyroid cancer, can undergo early diagnosis through thyroid ultrasound.


30s: Enhanced Cancer Screening Due to Stress and Work

In their thirties, individuals may experience health signals due to excessive work and stress. Therefore, prioritizing cancer screening becomes crucial. Considering the high incidence of stomach cancer in Koreans, it is recommended to undergo stomach endoscopy every two years from the age of 30. Women should also consider additional breast cancer screening. Since early detection is vital for breast cancer, combining regular checkups with self-examinations is effective.


40s Onwards: Comprehensive Cancer Screening and Monitoring Health Indicators

Starting from the forties, individuals should undergo comprehensive cancer screenings, including stomach, colon, breast, cervical, and liver cancers. Monitoring health indicators such as obesity, hypertension, cholesterol, anemia, kidney function, and urinary protein results is essential for understanding one's physical condition. In case of abnormal results, consulting a primary care physician and undergoing reevaluation within 3-6 months is recommended.


50s: Focus on Colon Cancer Screening and Cardiovascular Diseases

In their fifties, regular colon cancer screening is particularly essential. Annual fecal occult blood tests and, every five years, colonoscopies are recommended to confirm the absence of colon cancer. Additionally, due to the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in this age group, precise examinations of the heart and brain blood vessels are advised. Men should start monitoring prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels regularly from their fifties, as the risk of prostate cancer increases with age.


60s and Beyond: Screening for Dementia and Depression is Necessary

In the sixties and beyond, besides routine checkups and cancer screenings, it's crucial to thoroughly examine general bodily functions such as vision, hearing, and dental health. This age group is susceptible to age-related hearing loss, cataracts, and other conditions. Screening for musculoskeletal disorders, like osteoporosis, should also be conducted. Additionally, screening for degenerative brain diseases such as dementia and depression is necessary. Early diagnosis through brain MRI or CT scans is possible, and mental health can be further assessed through depression and psychological assessments.


Remember, prevention is the best medicine! Let's embrace a healthier life through age-appropriate health screenings.
