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Reasons Why Appetite Increases When Drinking Alcohol.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 16.

The phenomenon of coming home after drinking and inevitably cooking and eating ramen—is it because of hunger? By examining the scientific and psychological aspects of this phenomenon, let's delve into why such peculiar behavior occurs.


Reasons Why Appetite Increases When Drinking Alcohol.
The act of cooking and eating ramen after drinking may not be a simple conscious choice but could be rooted in physiological responses of the body and brain.


Relationship with Temporary Hypoglycemia

When alcohol is consumed, it is detoxified in the liver from where glycogen is converted into glucose to supply the body with necessary energy. However, if the liver is engaged in alcohol detoxification, the conversion of glycogen into glucose decreases. Consequently, blood sugar levels drop, various organs signal the brain of energy deficiency, and a sense of hunger increases.


The Impact of Alcohol on Appetite

Alcohol can influence the appetite center, inducing hunger. Experiments using MRI conducted by a research team at Indiana University revealed that drinking alcohol activates the hypothalamus in the brain, increasing focus on food. Moreover, experiments in the UK showed that rodents administered alcohol ate 10-20% more than their usual intake.


Alcohol Metabolism and Fat Accumulation

Consuming alcohol temporarily delays the body's metabolic activities in response to alcohol in organs such as the liver. Energy combustion is also delayed, and the remaining energy can be stored as body fat. While it may seem that metabolic activity has increased, this is a temporary phenomenon due to alcohol-induced vasodilation.


Recovery after Drinking and Honey Water Consumption

To recover from a hypoglycemic state after drinking, it is advisable to consume sweet beverages. Honey water or drinks rich in sugar rapidly restore blood sugar levels. Additionally, consuming foods such as bean sprouts, tomatoes, and green tea can be effective in alleviating hangovers.


The act of cooking and eating ramen after drinking may not be a simple conscious choice but could be rooted in physiological responses of the body and brain. Understanding this can lead to a deeper comprehension of the interaction between alcohol and food, contributing to maintaining a healthy drinking habit and proper eating patterns.
