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Reasons and Solutions for Dry and Itchy Skin as You Age.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 24.

In the harsh winter, many elderly individuals struggle with skin itching. Especially when cold weather and dry conditions overlap, skin dryness worsens due to various factors such as aging-related skin changes and medication reactions. This post explores the causes of skin itching in the elderly and offers detailed solutions to alleviate symptoms.


Reasons and Solutions for Dry and Itchy Skin as You Age.
These are the ways to care for the skin health of the elderly during the winter. Choose the right habits and products to maintain skin health.



With aging, the skin becomes more sensitive, primarily due to a decrease in moisture and sebum. While the skin could maintain over 30% moisture in youth, this figure decreases to 20% as you age. The reduction in ceramide content hampers the skin's ability to draw moisture from the air, and weakened vascular function impedes effective supply of moisture and nutrients. Aging skin experiences reduced sebum production, leading to skin dryness and itching.


Moreover, elderly individuals with conditions like diabetes or chronic kidney disease may experience itching due to nerve damage. Nerve damage from diabetes complications makes the skin feel itchy even with minor stimuli, while chronic kidney disease patients may develop pruritus due to inefficient waste excretion. Recent expert opinions also suggest that instant foods and environmental hormones can contribute to pruritus.


Caring for the skin health of the elderly begins with appropriate shower habits. Some may think bathing frequently when the body itches is necessary, but this habit can actually exacerbate itching by removing essential sebum. Therefore, it is advisable to shower three times a week and bathe once every 1-2 weeks. Saunas should be avoided, as sudden changes in body temperature can cause skin dryness and itching.



During showers, it's recommended to use neutral or mildly acidic soap or cleansing foam. Alkaline solid soaps can inhibit the function of enzymes that normalize the skin barrier, worsening itching. Choosing products labeled with ingredients, opting for neutral or mildly acidic options, and avoiding alkaline soaps are crucial habits.


Scratching the itchy area should be avoided, as it can lead to inflammation and an increased risk of infection. When itching is unbearable, use moisturizers instead of scratching. Minimizing the use of chemical detergents and wearing well-ventilated, cotton clothing is also essential.


If wounds or blisters develop in the itchy area, it is advisable to visit a doctor for prescription antihistamine or steroid creams. Healing is slower in the elderly, so active treatment is necessary. However, steroid creams may have side effects, so it's crucial to use them appropriately under medical guidance.


These are the ways to care for the skin health of the elderly during the winter. Choose the right habits and products to maintain skin health.

