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Ways to Alleviate Hangovers Without Medication.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 25.

In modern society, the abundance of year-end events often leads to increased alcohol consumption, and excessive drinking can result in the familiar aftermath of headaches and hangovers the next day. Particularly, headaches are often induced by the toxic substance 'acetaldehyde' present in alcohol. Let's explore effective ways to alleviate this acetaldehyde and reduce the symptoms of hangovers without the use of medication.


Ways to Alleviate Hangovers Without Medication.
When dealing with hangovers, the foods and beverages mentioned above can effectively break down acetaldehyde and make your body more comfortable.


The Relationship Between Acetaldehyde and Hangovers

Most headaches and hangovers after drinking are primarily influenced by acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is an intermediate substance produced when alcohol breaks down in the body. It is toxic and can cause nausea and vomiting. To detoxify this substance, the body dilates blood vessels, including those in the head, resulting in headaches. The severity of hangovers varies depending on the body's ability to break down acetaldehyde, which varies based on individual health conditions.


Effective Foods and Beverages for Hangover Relief

To alleviate hangovers, it's essential to eliminate acetaldehyde. Vitamin C, asparagine, methionine, glutathione, and catechins are effective in this regard. Consuming foods rich in these components can be helpful.


Bean Sprout Soup and Dried Pollack Soup: Bean sprouts are rich in asparagine, vitamin B1, and vitamin C, making them effective for hangover relief. Dried pollack contains amino acids such as methionine and lysine, which protect the liver.


Eggs, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Apples, Bananas: Eggs are rich in methionine, necessary for breaking down alcohol in the liver. Cucumbers, being high in water content, help alleviate dehydration caused by alcohol. Tomatoes assist in the elimination of acetaldehyde and soothe stomach discomfort. Apples and bananas aid in restoring blood sugar and vitamin levels, acting as natural antacids and neutralizing stomach acid.


Additionally, it's crucial to drink plenty of water. This helps replenish excessive fluid loss due to the diuretic effect of alcohol, diluting the alcohol in the body. Consuming sports drinks or honey water can also be effective. As excessive alcohol intake leads to the excretion of minerals and electrolytes through urine, sports drinks can help replenish these substances. Honey water is effective in raising temporarily lowered blood sugar levels due to excessive drinking.


Beverages to Avoid and Precautions

Coffee is a beverage to avoid for hangover relief. The diuretic effect of caffeine leads to increased fluid excretion, potentially exacerbating fatigue. Additionally, caution is needed when taking analgesics. Taking pain relievers while alcohol is still being metabolized can lead to severe liver damage.


When dealing with hangovers, the foods and beverages mentioned above can effectively break down acetaldehyde and make your body more comfortable. However, it's essential to drink alcohol in moderation, be aware of your individual tolerance, and seek professional advice if severe hangover symptoms persist. Enjoy your year-end celebrations responsibly and maintain good health through appropriate measures.
