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The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Quality of Life.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 25.

Recent research on the influence of sleep deprivation on emotional well-being has revealed that insufficient sleep can lower happiness levels and increase anxiety. The study, based on 154 experiment datasets involving 5,715 participants, examined various aspects of how sleep deprivation affects emotions.


The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Quality of Life.
This study provides new insights into how sleep deprivation affects happiness and anxiety levels.


Research Methodology and Participants

The study conducted a comprehensive analysis of 154 datasets obtained from diverse experiments and surveys conducted over the past 50 years. The data were derived from experiments that deprived participants of normal sleep for more than a day. Sleep manipulations included methods such as keeping participants awake for extended periods, reducing sleep duration below the usual, and periodically waking them throughout the night.


Sleep Deprivation and Emotional Function Decline

The results indicated that sleep deprivation reduces participants' positive emotions such as joy, happiness, and satisfaction while increasing symptoms related to anxiety, including elevated heart rate and worry. This suggests that sleep deprivation has a negative impact on emotional function not only in the short term but also over the long term.


Dulling of Emotional Response due to Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation was found to dull awareness of emotional stimuli, making it challenging for individuals to respond appropriately to surrounding stimuli in daily life.


Specific Impact on Depressive Symptoms

The study revealed that depressive symptoms caused by sleep deprivation are not as severe or consistent as other negative emotions. This specificity suggests that sleep deprivation particularly influences depression, highlighting the need for further research in this area.


Realistic Considerations and the Need for Solutions

With over 30% of adults and up to 90% of adolescents experiencing insufficient sleep, this research emphasizes that sleep deprivation can have a significant impact not only on individuals but also on public health. Particularly in industries and sectors vulnerable to sleep deprivation, such as emergency responders, pilots, and truck drivers, there is a growing need for policies prioritizing sleep.


This study provides new insights into how sleep deprivation affects happiness and anxiety levels. Ongoing research and individual attention to sleep habits are necessary, and at an industrial and policy level, urgent measures and management strategies for sleep deprivation are recommended.

