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"Ignoring Dizziness Caused by Brain Signals Is No Joke"

by OK2BU 2024. 1. 3.

Dizziness is often considered a common discomfort in daily life, but it can be as crucial a symptom as mere discomfort from a simple condition. Especially when dizziness occurs repeatedly, it could be a signal of serious brain-related disorders. In this article, we will delve into brain conditions that can cause central dizziness.


"Ignoring Dizziness Caused by Brain Signals Is No Joke"
In conclusion, early detection of dizziness originating from the brain is crucial. As dizziness can act as a signal for brain disorders, it is imperative not to ignore such symptoms and seek the assistance of a specialist.


Brain Stroke and Dizziness

A brain stroke occurs when blood supply to the brain is suddenly blocked, causing damage to brain tissue. Dizziness can be one of the initial symptoms. In fact, around 10% of stroke patients experience sudden dizziness or vertigo before the stroke occurs. If dizziness is accompanied by visual disturbances, paralysis on one side of the body, or speech impairment, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention for diagnosis.


Brain Tumors and Dizziness

Brain tumors can exert pressure on or occupy parts of the brain, increasing pressure within the brain. This can lead to severe dizziness and intense headaches. Depending on the tumor's location, various symptoms such as language disorders and neurological paralysis may also manifest. Symptoms may worsen in the early morning. When experiencing dizziness along with diverse neurological symptoms, suspicion of a brain tumor is warranted.


Parkinson's Disease and Dizziness

Parkinson's disease, a degenerative brain disorder, may present dizziness in its early stages. Dizziness may manifest as a standalone symptom in some patients during the initial stages. If accompanied by unnatural movements or restrictions in the movement of arms and legs, Parkinson's disease should be considered.


Actions to Take When Dizziness Persists

Approximately 25% of those who complain of dizziness are experiencing central dizziness. Especially when persistent dizziness of unknown origin is reported, there is a high likelihood of neurological issues. In such cases, it is essential to visit a hospital for an accurate diagnosis and initiate appropriate treatment.


In conclusion, early detection of dizziness originating from the brain is crucial. As dizziness can act as a signal for brain disorders, it is imperative not to ignore such symptoms and seek the assistance of a specialist. Early detection of brain disorders enables effective treatment and prevention, making it a crucial step towards a healthy future.
