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Dealing with the Silent Threat on the Roads: Understanding and Managing Black Ice.

by OK2BU 2024. 1. 9.

One of the most dreaded things on winter roads, especially during the biting cold, is black ice. Formed when melted snow refreezes due to temperature fluctuations in the asphalt surface, black ice poses unexpected dangers for drivers. In this post, we will explore in detail how to drive safely and handle black ice, particularly in light of cases where it has been identified as the cause of numerous rear-end collisions, including a significant incident involving around 40 vehicles.


What is Black Ice?

Black ice refers to frozen road surfaces created by changes in weather conditions and asphalt temperature. It forms when melted snow freezes rapidly as temperatures drop. This thin layer of ice covers the asphalt, making it visually challenging to distinguish. The difficulty arises from the fact that asphalt and ice share similar colors, making visual identification nearly impossible.


Dealing with the Silent Threat on the Roads: Understanding and Managing Black Ice.
Black ice harbors unpredictable dangers, but by adopting measures like slowing down, braking gently, using snow chains, and employing engine braking, drivers can navigate and cope with black ice safely.


Risks of Traffic Accidents Caused by Black Ice

Accidents resulting from black ice can lead to unexpected vehicle spins or chain-reaction collisions due to prolonged braking distances. According to data from the Korea Road Traffic Authority, the fatality rate for accidents on icy roads is 1.5 times higher than that for regular road accidents.


Preventive Measures and Coping Strategies for Safe Driving on Black Ice

Reduce Speed: When faced with black ice while driving, cut your speed in half. Higher speeds can complicate handling unexpected situations. Brake Slowly Multiple Times: Abrupt braking can worsen the situation on slippery roads. Gently apply brakes multiple times to control the braking distance effectively. Use Snow Chains: In snowy conditions, using snow chains can provide effective traction on the road. Utilize Engine Braking: Lower gears and engine braking help gradually slow down the vehicle, a crucial aspect of driving on black ice.


Coping with a Slide

Turn the Steering Wheel in the Direction of the Slide: Turning the steering wheel toward the direction of the slide aids in regaining control of the vehicle. Turning in the opposite direction may exacerbate the problem. Move the Vehicle to a Safe Location: If possible, move the vehicle to a safe area to prevent additional accidents.


Black ice harbors unpredictable dangers, but by adopting measures like slowing down, braking gently, using snow chains, and employing engine braking, drivers can navigate and cope with black ice safely. Every driver should cultivate safe driving habits, prioritizing safety on the roads.
