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The Forbidden Day of Weakness: Why 'This' is Absolutely Prohibited Once a Month.

by OK2BU 2024. 1. 9.

Women can experience various discomforts during menstruation, with menstrual cramps being one of the most common pains. In this post, let's delve into the side effects of consuming energy drinks during menstruation and explore safe alternatives to address this issue.


The Connection Between Menstrual Cramps and Energy Drinks

Consuming energy drinks during menstruation can exacerbate menstrual cramps, leading to adverse effects. Most energy drinks contain high levels of caffeine, which can constrict blood vessels, disrupt blood circulation, and induce abdominal tension and discomfort. Additionally, caffeine can exacerbate muscle cramps and contractions by promoting the excretion of fluids from the body. Since women already experience significant hormonal fluctuations during menstruation, energy drinks can intensify these changes, worsening mood swings, fatigue, and other symptoms.


The Forbidden Day of Weakness: Why 'This' is Absolutely Prohibited Once a Month.
Consuming energy drinks during menstruation can have negative effects on health.


Serious Health Issues Caused by Excessive Energy Drink Consumption

Excessive consumption of energy drinks can lead to severe health problems. Research indicates that a man who consumed four cans of 500mL energy drinks daily was hospitalized due to severe health issues. This individual suffered from caffeine addiction, resulting in decreased ventricular function and impaired kidney function, to the extent that organ transplantation was considered. This severe condition was attributed to the excessive stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system by caffeine.


Vascular Impact of Energy Drink Consumption

Research also suggests that consuming energy drinks can negatively impact vascular function. A study conducted on healthy non-smokers revealed a reduced vascular dilation response after energy drink consumption. This indicates acute damage to the endothelium, resulting in impaired vascular function. The ingredients in energy drinks are believed to cause momentary blood vessel constriction and reduced blood circulation, leading to unfavorable effects.


Safe Alternatives to Energy Drink Consumption

Considering the potential side effects of energy drinks, opting for other safe beverages during menstruation is advisable. For instance, beverages with lower caffeine content, such as tea or warm water, may help alleviate menstrual cramps. Additionally, during menstruation, ensuring adequate hydration by choosing water or natural juices is a good alternative.


Consuming energy drinks during menstruation can have negative effects on health. Excessive caffeine intake not only worsens menstrual cramps but also impairs vascular function and can lead to various serious health issues. Therefore, it is recommended to choose beverages with lower caffeine content and prioritize hydration during menstruation. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential for a more comfortable menstrual period.
