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Understanding the Real Causes of Hair Loss and Effective Prevention and Treatment Methods.

by OK2BU 2024. 1. 10.

Hair loss is a problem that approaches many people as a complex of appearance issues. Particularly, young men are making efforts to prevent future hair loss. So, what are the main causes of hair loss? Let's delve into the detailed information.


Major Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss is mostly categorized into male-pattern and female-pattern baldness, with their causes broadly divided into three main factors. Firstly, family history; secondly, aging; and thirdly, the influence of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a male hormone. Dermatologists commonly claim that genetics play the most significant role.


Understanding the Real Causes of Hair Loss and Effective Prevention and Treatment Methods.
Hair loss occurs due to various factors, with family history and genetic influence playing a significant role.


Genetic Influence and Family History

The consensus among dermatologists is that family history plays a significant role in hair loss. Genes influenced genetically act dominantly, and if either parent has a family history, it can affect an individual. Recent studies suggest that when both sides have a family history, there is a higher likelihood of hair loss starting earlier and progressing more rapidly.


Diagnosis and Treatment of Hair Loss

Hair loss is diagnosed when around 100 hairs fall out per day, considering that the scalp comprises about 100,000 hairs. Early signs of hair loss can be measured by assessing the length of the forehead or through periodic photo comparisons. Timely initiation of hair loss treatment is crucial, with drug therapy being the primary approach. 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors and minoxidil are effective in inhibiting hair loss and promoting hair growth. In cases where treatment is not effective, hair transplantation surgery may be considered.


Various Methods for Hair Loss Prevention

Surprisingly, weight management plays an important role in preventing hair loss, especially since smoking and obesity are identified as factors that can worsen hair loss. Additionally, taking antioxidants and managing underlying conditions such as anemia can be helpful. Women, in particular, should pay attention to anemia. Aerobic exercise and maintaining regular sleep patterns also aid in maintaining hormonal balance and preventing hair loss.


Hair loss occurs due to various factors, with family history and genetic influence playing a significant role. Early efforts and treatment for hair loss prevention are crucial for maintaining hair health. A comprehensive approach to preventing and managing hair loss is key, requiring both medical knowledge and healthy lifestyle habits.
