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Delayed Childbearing: Understanding the Risks of Advanced Maternal Age and Preparing for a Healthy Pregnancy.

by OK2BU 2024. 2. 6.

In contemporary society, the timing of marriage and childbirth is being postponed, leading to an increasing number of pregnancies in women aged 35 and older. However, advanced maternal age comes with several considerations and points to be mindful of. Let's explore the necessary information and advice for individuals planning a pregnancy.


Medical Aspects of Advanced Maternal Age

Advanced maternal age is typically defined as being 35 years or older, reflecting the decline in ovarian reserve and the deterioration in the quantity and quality of eggs as women age. This decrease in fertility contributes to an elevated risk of early miscarriage and pregnancy complications.


Delayed Childbearing: Understanding the Risks of Advanced Maternal Age and Preparing for a Healthy Pregnancy.
Being 35 or older does not mean that pregnancy is impossible or inherently risky.


Importance of Uterine Health: How to Ensure It?

Uterine health is crucial for a healthy pregnancy. Even among women in their 20s and 30s, conditions like uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts are common. These conditions can interfere with natural conception, making thorough examinations necessary to avoid unnecessary surgery. Since surgery for conditions like uterine fibroids or ovarian cysts can complicate conception, it's essential to accurately assess the need for surgery. Regular ultrasounds to examine the state of the uterus and ovaries, along with consultations with specialists, are recommended.


Chronic Disease Screening and Preparations for a Healthy Pregnancy

When considering advanced maternal age, it is essential to undergo screenings for chronic diseases. Conditions like hypertension and diabetes pose a higher risk of complications during pregnancy, making early detection crucial for implementing appropriate measures. Thyroid disorders are also frequently identified during advanced maternal age pregnancies, necessitating early confirmation. Basic blood tests can identify conditions such as anemia, liver diseases, kidney disorders, and assess antibody status for specific infections, providing valuable information for pregnancy planning.


Folic Acid Intake and Weight Management

For those planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to start taking folic acid at least three months before conception. Folic acid supports fetal brain development and helps prevent neural tube defects. Especially for those with diabetes or taking anticonvulsants, higher doses may be necessary. Additionally, maintaining a healthy weight is crucial, as both underweight and overweight conditions are associated with pregnancy complications. Striving to maintain a standard weight and achieving appropriate weight gain during pregnancy are essential goals.


Strict No to Smoking

For those contemplating pregnancy, smoking is an absolute no-go. Smoking adversely affects sperm motility in males and can lead to early placental detachment and various complications in mothers. Even male smokers should consider the impact of smoking on sperm when planning for pregnancy.


The Importance of Consultation with Specialists

Regardless of age or existing health conditions, consulting with specialists is crucial. Regular check-ups and consultations allow for proper planning and management of pregnancy. Especially for chronic conditions like diabetes or thyroid disorders, guided by a specialist, appropriate treatment and management are vital.


Being 35 or older does not mean that pregnancy is impossible or inherently risky. However, careful planning and preparation are essential when considering advanced maternal age. Prioritizing personal health, seeking guidance from specialists, and carefully planning with a healthcare professional's input are desirable for a healthy pregnancy and childbirth.
