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Why Do Fingernails and Toenails Grow at Different Rates?

by OK2BU 2024. 2. 7.

Fingernails and toenails exhibit a noticeable difference in our bodies, and it is closely related to their growth rates. Fingernails grow more than twice as fast as toenails, ranging from 1.8 to 4.5mm per month. Various reasons and physiological processes contribute to this phenomenon.


Difference in Growth Rates

One reason fingernails grow faster than toenails is the increased exposure to stimuli in daily life. Hands engage in diverse activities, such as handling objects, typing on keyboards, and writing, continuously stimulating the fingernails. This leads to increased blood flow and active cell division, resulting in faster growth. Additionally, a subtle difference exists where the fingernail of the dominant hand grows slightly faster, for example, the right fingernail for right-handed individuals.


Why Do Fingernails and Toenails Grow at Different Rates?
In conclusion, the growth rates of fingernails and toenails are influenced by various factors, exhibiting differences based on their unique physiological characteristics.


Age and Environmental Influences

The growth rate of fingernails and toenails is also associated with age. In the early stages of life, nails grow most rapidly but tend to slow down after the age of 30. Furthermore, exposure to sunlight affects the hormonal secretion influencing nail growth, making them grow faster during the day and in the summer.


Comparison with Hair and Eyebrow Growth

While fingernails and toenails have different growth rates, a similar contrast is observed between hair and eyebrow growth. Hair continuously grows in an 8-year cycle, while eyebrows only grow for a month. Hair maintains continuous growth until it reaches a certain length, whereas eyebrows cease growing once a specific length is achieved, attributed to the phases of the hair cycle, including the growth, regression, and resting phases.


Characteristics of Arm and Leg Hair

Lastly, arm and leg hair are known to have growth cycles of approximately 3 and 5 months, respectively. Different body areas have varying growth periods, leading to the need for more frequent trimming in some areas and less in others.


In conclusion, the growth rates of fingernails and toenails are influenced by various factors, exhibiting differences based on their unique physiological characteristics.
