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Debunking Myths About Fernbrake: Is It Safe for Men to Eat?

by OK2BU 2024. 2. 16.

Fernbrake, often referred to as the "beef of the mountain," boasts excellent nutritional value, containing a variety of nutrients. However, many men tend to avoid consuming fernbrake due to a misconception that it diminishes virility. Yet, there's no scientific evidence or research supporting such claims. In fact, when properly prepared, fernbrake can contribute to stamina recovery.


Debunking Myths About Fernbrake: Is It Safe for Men to Eat?
Fernbrake is a valuable ingredient that provides us with many nutrients.


Fernbrake is particularly high in protein among leafy vegetables. With approximately 3.7g of dietary fiber per 100g, it's also effective in preventing constipation. Moreover, fernbrake offers various health benefits including prevention of anemia and osteoporosis, promotion of waste elimination from the body, enhancement of immunity, reduction of cholesterol levels, and activation of metabolism.


The notion that fernbrake weakens the legs likely stems from the presence of thiaminase in fernbrake. However, when fernbrake is thoroughly cooked, this issue does not arise. When cooking fernbrake, it's essential to blanch it several times to remove a toxic substance called ptaquiloside. Ptaquiloside can be fatal to the elderly or those with poor liver function. Therefore, it's recommended to blanch fresh fernbrake for 5 minutes, discard the water, and soak it in fresh water for over 12 hours, changing the water several times.


According to research, blanching fernbrake for 5 minutes removes over 60% of toxic substances, and 2/3 of the remaining toxic substances are found to be carcinogenic. By changing the water multiple times during soaking, over 99.5% of toxic substances can be removed. Ultimately, to consume fernbrake healthily, it's crucial to cook it properly and effectively remove toxic substances.


Fernbrake provides us with valuable nutrients, akin to being called the "beef of the mountain." It contains protein, vitamin B1, potassium, phosphorus, and other essential components, supplying a diverse range of nutrients needed by our bodies. Especially with its high protein content, fernbrake helps strengthen muscles and maintain stamina. Additionally, its richness in dietary fiber promotes digestion and effectively prevents constipation.


However, despite its nutritional benefits, many people have avoided fernbrake for generations due to misconceptions. Although historical texts may mention that "eating too much fernbrake weakens the legs and prevents walking," this is an unfounded myth lacking scientific basis. In reality, properly cooking and consuming fernbrake can actually help restore our energy.


The most important aspect when consuming fernbrake is ensuring it is cooked thoroughly. Raw fernbrake contains a toxic substance called ptaquiloside, which can be dangerous. Therefore, it's essential to blanch fernbrake before consumption to remove toxins. Heating is more critical than blanching time, and after blanching, it's advisable to change the water multiple times to completely remove toxic substances.


Fernbrake is a valuable ingredient that provides us with many nutrients. When consumed healthily and deliciously through proper cooking methods, it can contribute to our overall health.
