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The Fear of Electromagnetic Waves: Are Microwave Myths True?

by 헬쓰토리 2024. 3. 17.

Microwaves have become an essential appliance for modern households, yet myths persist about their potential health hazards. In this post, we'll delve into the misconceptions and truths surrounding microwave usage.


The Fear of Electromagnetic Waves: Are Microwave Myths True?
The health risks associated with microwave usage are minimal.


Do Microwaves Leave Radiation in Food When Rotating?

Many people hold the misconception that microwaves leave radiation in food during the cooking process. However, in reality, microwaves do not leave any harmful substances in the food. Microwaves work by using electromagnetic waves called microwaves to heat food, causing molecules within the food to vibrate and generate heat. However, this heat only affects the water molecules in the food, causing no structural changes to the food's molecular composition. Therefore, food cooked in the microwave does not retain any harmful substances or undergo any changes due to microwave radiation.


However, it's essential to be cautious about the containers used when microwaving food. Using microwave-safe containers is advisable to avoid the risk of exposure to environmental hormones emitted by materials like plastic or vinyl when heated. Additionally, when using plastic wrap to cover food during cooking, it's essential to be aware of potential chemical reactions between the food and the wrap.


Is It Harmful to Stand Close to a Microwave While It's Operating?

Some claim that standing close to a microwave while it's in operation can be harmful to the body. However, this is not true. The microwaves responsible for cooking food in a microwave oven do not escape outside during operation. The majority of microwaves remain contained within the microwave, and only a minimal amount of microwave radiation is emitted outside.


Nevertheless, as a precaution, it's recommended to maintain a distance of at least 30cm from the microwave while it's in use. By staying at a distance, exposure to detectable levels of microwave radiation decreases significantly, ensuring greater safety. Especially since the eyes are the most sensitive part of our bodies, it's advisable to avoid inspecting the inside of a microwave closely while it's operating.


The health risks associated with microwave usage are minimal. When used correctly, microwaves are safe and efficient cooking tools. However, attention should be paid to the choice of containers and cooking methods. Additionally, maintaining a safe distance from the microwave during operation is advisable as a preventive measure. Enjoy convenient and safe cooking by using microwaves correctly.