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Are Nuts Good for You? Overindulgence Leads to Hair Loss? Understanding the Importance of Moderation in Consumption.

by OK2BU 2024. 4. 10.

Nuts are one of the foods frequently consumed in daily life by many people due to the perception of their health benefits. In fact, nuts are rich in various nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and minerals, which can help prevent adult diseases. Among them, Brazil nuts are particularly known as nuts that are beneficial to health, but excessive consumption can actually lead to side effects. Let's explore this in more detail.


The Importance of Selenium and Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are one of the nuts rich in selenium. Selenium is an essential mineral in our body that helps prevent heart disease and tissue aging by removing free radicals through its antioxidant function. It also acts as a co-factor for the enzyme thyroxine deiodinase, necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, thus maintaining thyroid function. Therefore, consuming an adequate amount of selenium is crucial for our bodies.


While nuts provide various nutrients beneficial to our health, overindulgence can lead to side effects.


Side Effects of Excessive Selenium Intake

However, excessive consumption of Brazil nuts can lead to selenium toxicity. This can cause side effects such as hair loss, thinning of nails, and vomiting. For adults, the recommended daily intake of selenium is 50 micrograms. However, since one Brazil nut contains approximately 75 micrograms of selenium, excessive consumption should be avoided. It is important to carefully manage the intake amount to maintain an appropriate level.


Recommended Intake and Precautions for Nuts

Nuts have a high calorie content, so excessive consumption can lead to obesity. Therefore, it is important to consume an appropriate amount each day. The recommended intake of nuts is 30g per day, which can be roughly equivalent to a handful. Additionally, since the nutritional content varies depending on the type of nuts, it is advisable to eat a variety of nuts. Consuming mixed nuts containing various types can also help in obtaining a variety of nutrients.


While nuts provide various nutrients beneficial to our health, overindulgence can lead to side effects. In particular, Brazil nuts have a high selenium content, so caution should be exercised in excessive consumption. Therefore, maintaining a moderate intake and consuming a variety of nuts is important. Let's cultivate the habit of consuming nuts properly for a healthy diet.