When starting a diet, one of the concerns for many people is to reduce fat while maintaining or increasing muscle mass. To achieve this, proper strategies and execution are necessary. To pursue the ideal "lean bulking diet," it's essential to grasp several key elements and adhere to them.
Setting an Appropriate Level of Caloric Reduction
Caloric reduction is crucial in dieting. However, reducing calories too rapidly can lead to muscle loss. Decreasing daily calorie intake by less than 500kcal from the daily energy expenditure may induce muscle loss, so it's best to avoid this. Instead of reducing by less than 500kcal, aim to consume around 80-90% of the usual calorie intake.
Consumption of High-Protein Foods
To maintain and increase muscle mass, sufficient protein intake is necessary. Consuming 1.6-2.4g of protein per kg of body weight per day helps promote muscle protein synthesis and prevents muscle loss. For example, a person weighing 60kg should consume a minimum of 96g of protein per day.
Gradual Progressive Overload Exercise
To maintain or increase muscle mass, exercises that provide gradual progressive overload to the muscles are necessary. Simply reducing calories alone makes it difficult to maintain muscles, so it's essential to provide adequate stimulation to the muscles through regular resistance training. This can be achieved by increasing weights or adjusting the frequency and repetitions of exercises.
Adequate Sleep
Sleep plays a crucial role in muscle growth. Inadequate sleep can lead to increased levels of negative hormones and decreased secretion of muscle growth hormones. Therefore, getting 7-9 hours of sufficient sleep is helpful in maintaining muscles and effectively dieting.
It is possible to maintain or increase muscle mass while progressing with a diet. Balancing proper dietary adjustments, exercise, and rest will contribute to building a healthy body. However, since individual results may vary, seeking advice from professionals is essential.