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Lung Cancer in Non-Smokers: Causes and Lifestyle Habits for Prevention.

by OK2BU 2024. 5. 30.

Lung cancer is a disease that significantly impacts many people worldwide, especially men, with the risk increasing with age. Over the past 20 years, the incidence rate of lung cancer in men has been declining, but it has been rising in women. Why is the incidence rate of lung cancer in women increasing?


Smoking and Lung Cancer: Primary Cause

The primary cause of lung cancer is smoking. Research indicates that about 70% of all lung cancer cases are related to smoking. Smokers have more than ten times the risk of developing lung cancer compared to non-smokers. Besides smoking, other contributing factors include second-hand smoke, air pollution, and chronic lung diseases like pulmonary fibrosis. However, 87.5% of female lung cancer patients in Korea are non-smokers, suggesting other factors are at play.


Lung Cancer in Non-Smokers: Causes and Lifestyle Habits for Prevention.
Lung cancer is a disease that is difficult to detect early due to its lack of obvious early symptoms.


Hidden Dangers at Home: Cooking Fumes

What are Cooking Fumes?

Cooking fumes are the smoke produced while cooking, and they are also a cause of lung cancer. Organic compounds released while frying or grilling foods are carcinogenic. Notable examples include polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) produced when proteins such as fish and meat burn, and benzo[a]pyrene produced when cooking oil burns.

Research Findings

Studies have shown that lung cancer patients often experience significant smoke during cooking, to the point where it obscures their vision, and they frequently use cooking oil. This indicates that cooking fumes play a significant role in lung cancer development.


Preventive Measures Against Cooking Fumes

Using Ventilation Systems

To minimize exposure to carcinogens produced during cooking, using a ventilation system is crucial. It’s advisable to turn on the range hood and open windows to ventilate the kitchen.

Wearing Masks

Some experts recommend wearing masks while cooking. Using masks with high particulate filtration efficiency, like KF94, can protect against harmful substances released during cooking.


Symptoms and Diagnosis of Lung Cancer

Early Symptoms

Lung cancer often does not present noticeable symptoms in its early stages. However, one of the most common symptoms is a persistent cough lasting more than three weeks. About 75% of lung cancer patients experience frequent coughing, and sometimes cough up blood-streaked phlegm. Chest pain can occur if lung cancer invades the pleura and chest wall.

Lesser-Known Symptoms

Hoarseness is another important symptom of lung cancer. The nerve that controls the vocal cords passes through the space between the lungs and the trachea. If lung cancer invades this nerve, it can cause vocal cord paralysis, resulting in hoarseness.

Diagnostic Methods

If lung cancer is suspected, various tests are conducted to confirm the diagnosis. A biopsy is performed to confirm the disease, and additional tests like positron emission tomography (PET-CT) to determine the stage, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to check for brain metastasis, and bone scans are conducted. Biopsies are done using bronchoscopy or endobronchial ultrasound under sedation, or by inserting a needle through the chest to collect tissue samples.


Lifestyle Habits for Preventing Lung Cancer

Avoiding Smoking and Second-hand Smoke

The most important preventive measure is not smoking. Additionally, it’s crucial to avoid second-hand smoke, as non-smokers exposed to it have an increased risk of developing lung cancer.

Kitchen Ventilation and Safe Cooking Methods

To minimize harmful substances generated during cooking, ensure thorough kitchen ventilation and use ventilation systems. Maintaining appropriate cooking temperatures and reducing the use of cooking oils also helps.

Regular Health Check-ups

Regular health check-ups are essential for the early detection of lung cancer. If a persistent cough or other unusual symptoms occur, visit a hospital immediately for an examination.


Conclusion: Small Habits in Daily Life Can Prevent Lung Cancer

Lung cancer can be prevented through small habits in daily life. In addition to not smoking, avoiding second-hand smoke, and being cautious of harmful substances released during cooking, regular health check-ups are necessary for early detection and treatment to maintain health.


Lung cancer is a disease that is difficult to detect early due to its lack of obvious early symptoms. However, there are many ways to prevent it by paying attention to small changes in daily life. Maintaining healthy habits and continuously working to reduce the risk of lung cancer is crucial. We hope this post raises awareness of lung cancer and reaffirms the importance of prevention, helping everyone to lead a healthier life.
