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Don't Panic. Ingrown Toenails: Causes and Treatment Methods.

by 헬쓰토리 2024. 6. 8.

Ingrown toenails, commonly known as onychocryptosis, is a condition where the nail grows into the skin on the sides of the toe, causing inflammation and pain. It often occurs on the big toe, with the right big toe being the most commonly affected. In this post, we'll delve into the causes, prevention methods, and treatment stages of ingrown toenails.


Causes of Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails can be caused by various factors, with improper nail cutting habits being a major culprit. Cutting nails rounded or too deeply can lead to the nail growing into the skin. Additionally, wearing high heels, narrow-toed shoes, or military boots can cause nail deformities and lead to ingrown toenails. Other factors such as obesity or aging can also contribute to ingrown toenails by increasing the curvature of the nails, and genetic factors may play a role as well.


Don't Panic. Ingrown Toenails: Causes and Treatment Methods.
Ingrown toenails can be prevented with small changes in habits.


Symptoms of Ingrown Toenails

Early symptoms of ingrown toenails include swelling, redness, and mild pain on the outer or inner side of the toe. As these symptoms worsen due to friction with shoes, the surrounding area may become infected, with pus and foul odor developing. Left untreated, ingrown toenails can make walking difficult.


Prevention Methods for Ingrown Toenails

Proper Nail Cutting Technique

To prevent ingrown toenails, it's crucial to cut nails straight across. The ends of the nails should be exposed beyond the side skin. If cutting nails straight is challenging, visiting a nail salon specializing in hand and foot care for professional assistance is advisable.

Choosing Appropriate Footwear

To prevent ingrown toenails, avoid shoes that squeeze the toes and opt for sandals or slippers that allow for airflow. Particularly, avoid high heels or shoes with narrow toe boxes.

Good Foot Care Habits

Avoid soaking feet in water for prolonged periods, as this can exacerbate toe inflammation. Instead, gently clean between the toes using soap and water, and rinse thoroughly.


Treatment Stages of Ingrown Toenails

The treatment of ingrown toenails is divided into three stages based on the severity of symptoms.

Stage 1: Initial Treatment

In stage 1, there is no pain at rest, but pain occurs when walking or pressing. Local application of steroid or antibiotic ointment and dressing is recommended. Self-treatment is possible after consulting a doctor. This involves using dental floss, cotton swabs, or tape to lift the ingrown part of the nail and applying antibiotic ointment.

Stage 2: Intermediate Treatment

In stage 2, if the skin around the nail continues to be red and painful even without pressure, a procedure to create space between the nail and the skin around it is necessary. If infection is present, oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed, and partial nail removal may be performed upon patient request.

Stage 3: Treatment for Severe Cases

In stage 3, if inflammation due to ingrown toenails is severe, a fleshy protrusion known as "proud flesh" may develop on the sides of the nail. Surgery is required in this case to remove the nail and the proud flesh. The nail matrix, responsible for nail growth, is also removed to encourage narrower nail growth. In rare severe cases, the nail may be completely removed.


Lifestyle Habits for Preventing Ingrown Toenails

Regular Nail Maintenance

Regularly trimming nails is essential to prevent ingrown toenails. If nails become too long, friction with shoes increases, raising the risk of ingrown toenails. It's important to develop a habit of cutting nails straight across.

Using Suitable Foot Care Products

Using appropriate foot care products to maintain the health of the nails and surrounding skin is advisable. Foot-specific moisturizers or antiseptics can help maintain the skin around the nails and reduce the risk of infection.

Foot Exercises for Foot Health

Regular exercise is necessary to maintain foot health. Toe stretching or foot massages promote blood circulation in the feet and maintain nail health.


Complications of Untreated Ingrown Toenails

Failure to treat ingrown toenails can lead to serious complications. Severe inflammation around the nail can lead to bacterial infections, which can spread throughout the toe, causing larger issues. Additionally, persistent pain and inflammation can make walking difficult, significantly reducing quality of life.



Ingrown toenails can be prevented with small changes in habits. By properly cutting nails, selecting appropriate footwear, and maintaining foot health, the occurrence of ingrown toenails can be minimized. If ingrown toenails have already developed, seeking appropriate treatment early can prevent recurrence. Regular foot care is essential for maintaining healthy feet, and seeking professional assistance for appropriate measures is crucial.
