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The Pitfalls of Rushing to Shower and Wash Your Face in the Morning: Exploring Proper Cleansing Techniques.

by 헬쓰토리 2024. 6. 9.

Many people have the habit of taking a morning shower and washing their face at the same time. While this may seem to offer time-saving convenience, it can actually have negative effects on skin health. This post explores the reasons to avoid washing your face while showering and introduces three proper cleansing habits for healthy skin.


Issues with Washing Your Face in the Shower

Water Pressure and Temperature

The strong water pressure from the shower can damage the skin. Particularly, the hot water commonly used during showers can disrupt the skin's moisture balance and damage the skin barrier. Hot water excessively removes the skin's natural oils, leading to dry and sensitive skin while also exacerbating facial redness by dilating blood vessels. Therefore, washing your face with shower water should be avoided.


The Pitfalls of Rushing to Shower and Wash Your Face in the Morning: Exploring Proper Cleansing Techniques.
The habit of washing your face in the shower in the morning may seem convenient, but it can have adverse effects on skin health.


Proper Cleansing Habits for Skin Health

Avoid Washing Your Face in the Shower

Since the water pressure and temperature from the shower can cause skin damage, it's essential to pay attention to how you wash your face during showering. Instead of using the shower, it's better to wash your face with lukewarm water at the sink. This minimizes physical irritation to the skin and helps maintain the moisture balance. Gentle cleansing with lukewarm water helps preserve the skin's natural protective barrier.

Brush Teeth Before Washing Your Face

Toothpaste contains ingredients beneficial for dental health, such as fluoride, abrasives, and surfactants. However, these ingredients can irritate the skin and cause inflammation when they come into contact with it. Especially for individuals with sensitive skin or skin conditions like acne or eczema, these ingredients can trigger adverse reactions. Therefore, it's important to brush your teeth before washing your face to prevent toothpaste residues from remaining on your face. Doing so reduces skin irritation and helps maintain healthy skin.

Wash Your Nose and Forehead First

When washing your face, it's best to start with the nose and forehead. These areas tend to produce more sebum and are prone to frequent skin problems. On the other hand, the cheeks are relatively less oily and prone to dryness. Starting the cleansing process with the nose and forehead effectively removes excess sebum and prevents dryness on the cheeks. Thoroughly washing the nose and forehead while lightly rinsing the cheeks minimizes skin irritation.


Additional Tips for Proper Cleansing

Selecting a Cleanser

Using a cleanser suitable for your skin type is crucial. For dry skin, opt for a mild cleanser containing moisturizing ingredients, while for oily skin, choose a cleanser that helps control sebum production. When using a cleanser, lather it sufficiently and gently massage it onto the skin to reduce skin irritation.

Post-Cleansing Skincare

After cleansing, immediately use toner and moisturizer to soothe the skin and replenish moisture. The skin may temporarily feel dry after cleansing, so it's important to moisturize promptly. Additionally, using sunscreen to protect the skin is essential.

Regular Exfoliation

Depending on your skin type, regular exfoliation may be necessary. Accumulated dead skin cells can clog pores and lead to skin troubles. However, excessive exfoliation can make the skin more sensitive, so it's important to gently exfoliate at appropriate intervals.

Adequate Sleep and Hydration

Adequate sleep and hydration are essential for maintaining skin health. Lack of sleep delays skin regeneration, while inadequate hydration can lead to skin dryness. Cultivating habits of getting 7-8 hours of sleep per day and drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day is essential.


The habit of washing your face in the shower in the morning may seem convenient, but it can have adverse effects on skin health. The strong water pressure and hot temperature from the shower can damage the skin, while the chemical ingredients in toothpaste can irritate the skin. To maintain skin health, it's important to wash your face with lukewarm water separately, brush your teeth before washing your face, and start cleansing with the nose and forehead. Additionally, following comprehensive skincare habits such as selecting the right cleanser, post-cleansing skincare, regular exfoliation, and maintaining adequate sleep and hydration is necessary to preserve skin health. Take a moment to review and improve your cleansing habits for healthier skin.