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The Pros and Cons of Barefoot Walking That Might Make You Healthier.

by OK2BU 2024. 6. 11.

Recently, the activity of walking barefoot in nature has gained great popularity. In response, municipalities across the country are creating dedicated paths for barefoot walking, such as loess trails. Barefoot walking is known to promote blood circulation and improve mental health. However, it requires caution for individuals with certain health conditions, such as diabetes or hallux valgus. In this post, we will delve into the advantages and precautions of barefoot walking.


Municipalities Creating Barefoot Trails Nationwide

Many municipalities nationwide are accelerating the creation of trails where people can walk barefoot. It is estimated that approximately 230 barefoot walking trails have been established so far, and this number is expected to increase over time. Barefoot walking offers a new experience without any special equipment, gaining immense popularity among residents.


The Pros and Cons of Barefoot Walking That Might Make You Healthier.
Barefoot walking is an activity that greatly benefits blood circulation and mental health.


Health Benefits of Barefoot Walking

Promotion of Blood Circulation

Walking barefoot activates various muscles and nerves in the feet, enhancing blood circulation. More muscles located between the toes, on the instep, and along the sides of the feet are used compared to when wearing shoes. This stimulation of nerve reflex zones, the lymphatic system, and nerve endings in the feet promotes blood circulation. Additionally, the continuous micro-muscle movements needed to maintain balance strengthen the core muscles of the feet.

Improvement of Mental Health

Stimulating the nerves in the soles of the feet helps reduce the secretion of cortisol, a stress hormone, thereby alleviating stress. Studies have shown that groups walking barefoot experienced a greater reduction in cortisol levels compared to those walking with shoes. Furthermore, the belief that barefoot walking is beneficial in itself can have a positive impact through the placebo effect.


Precautions: Diabetes and Hallux Valgus

Diabetes Patients

Patients with long-term diabetes may experience issues where the arteries become narrow and hard due to abnormalities in the vascular endothelium. As a result, even minor wounds on the feet may not heal properly and can develop into ulcers. Diabetic patients often do not feel pain from foot injuries, and if left untreated, ulcers can lead to gangrene, where the tissue decays. In severe cases, this can result in the need for amputation.

Hallux Valgus Patients

Patients with moderate or severe hallux valgus also need to exercise caution when walking barefoot. Hallux valgus is a condition where the big toe bends towards the second toe, making it difficult for the big toe to support the body’s weight. This causes pressure on both ends of the foot, potentially leading to strain on the spine and ankles. The risk of ankle injuries or falls increases during barefoot walking due to these issues. Wearing shoes can help mitigate these risks.


Proper Methods for Barefoot Walking

Choosing a Safe Environment

When walking barefoot, it is important to select a safe environment. Choose clean paths free from sharp stones or glass shards to avoid injuries to the feet.

Adapting Slowly

For beginners, it is crucial to adapt slowly to barefoot walking. Instead of walking for long periods from the start, begin with short durations and gradually increase the time.

Checking Foot Condition

It is necessary to carefully check the condition of the feet before and after walking. If there are any wounds or discomfort, take immediate rest and seek appropriate treatment.



Barefoot walking is an activity that greatly benefits blood circulation and mental health. However, caution is required for individuals with certain conditions, such as diabetes or hallux valgus. Practicing barefoot walking in a safe environment with proper methods can significantly contribute to health improvement. Find ways to get closer to nature and lead a healthy lifestyle through barefoot walking.
