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What's the Difference? Let's Explore the Differences Between Tofu for Stews and Tofu for Pan-Frying.

by OK2BU 2024. 6. 12.

Tofu is a beloved ingredient worldwide and is used in a variety of dishes. Its high protein content and the flexibility to adjust its physical properties to suit different recipes are significant advantages. Tofu is mainly categorized into two types: tofu for pan-frying and tofu for stews. Each type possesses specific physical properties suited to its intended use. In this post, we will examine the differences between tofu for pan-frying and tofu for stews, as well as other types of tofu, such as soft tofu and silken tofu.


Basic Tofu Manufacturing Process

Tofu is made by soaking soybeans in water, grinding them, boiling, adding a coagulant, and then pressing the mixture. The physical properties of tofu are primarily determined during the final pressing stage. It is at this point that tofu for pan-frying and tofu for stews are differentiated.


What's the Difference? Let's Explore the Differences Between Tofu for Stews and Tofu for Pan-Frying.
Tofu comes in various types, each with unique physical properties and uses.


Differences Between Tofu for Pan-Frying and Tofu for Stews

Tofu for Pan-Frying

Tofu for pan-frying is pressed more to remove moisture, resulting in a firmer texture. This makes it denser and able to maintain its shape well during cooking. It is typically used in stir-fried or fried dishes and does not easily crumble under high heat.

Tofu for Stews

Tofu for stews is pressed less, retaining more moisture and yielding a softer texture. It is used in stews and soups, where it absorbs the flavors of the broth, enhancing the dish's overall taste.


The nutritional content of both types of tofu is similar. For example, domestic soybean tofu contains about 85 kcal per 100g, with 34g of carbohydrates, 4g of fat, and 89g of protein. However, due to its density, tofu for pan-frying might absorb less seasoning.

Changes in Physical Properties During Cooking

What happens if you use tofu for pan-frying in a stew? The moisture in tofu contains free calcium ions. When heated, these calcium ions bind with the tofu proteins, making the tofu firmer. However, during the cooking of a stew, the sodium ions in the broth interfere with the calcium-protein binding, resulting in softer tofu. Thus, even tofu intended for pan-frying can become tender in a stew.


Differences Between Soft Tofu and Silken Tofu

In addition to tofu for pan-frying and tofu for stews, there are also soft tofu and silken tofu, which offer a smoother and more delicate texture due to different coagulants used in their production.

Silken Tofu

Silken tofu is not pressed after coagulation, making it very soft and almost liquid. It is typically used in dishes requiring a smooth texture, such as silken tofu stews.

Soft Tofu

Soft tofu is slightly pressed and set in a mold, retaining some moisture. It is slightly firmer than silken tofu but still soft. It is often used in cold dishes or salads.


Soft tofu uses a slightly higher concentration of soy milk, resulting in a firmer texture than silken tofu. Additionally, soft tofu is typically packaged in containers, while silken tofu is often packaged in bags.


Considerations When Choosing Tofu

When selecting tofu, it is important to choose the appropriate type based on the dish and cooking method. Tofu for pan-frying is suitable for stir-fried or fried dishes due to its firmness, while tofu for stews is ideal for soups and stews due to its softness. Soft tofu and silken tofu are used in dishes requiring a delicate texture, with their packaging also affecting storage and usage.



Tofu comes in various types, each with unique physical properties and uses. Tofu for pan-frying and tofu for stews differ mainly in their pressing levels, resulting in different textures, though their nutritional content is similar. Soft tofu and silken tofu offer a tender texture and can be utilized in a range of dishes. Understanding the different types and properties of tofu allows for more delicious and healthy cooking. Enjoy exploring the versatile world of tofu in your culinary adventures!
