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Thyroid Cancer: Not Just a Women's Disease – Men Might Be at Greater Risk.

by OK2BU 2024. 6. 24.

Current Status of Thyroid Cancer and the Rise in Male Patients

Thyroid cancer has traditionally been seen as a disease that primarily affects women, but there has been a notable increase in male patients recently. Over the past five years, the number of men diagnosed with thyroid cancer has risen by 23%, indicating that men are no longer safe from this condition. Men often overlook the risk of thyroid cancer due to its relatively lower incidence compared to women. However, thyroid cancer in men tends to be more difficult to treat and has poorer prognoses, necessitating greater caution.


Thyroid Cancer: Not Just a Women's Disease – Men Might Be at Greater Risk.
Men are not safe from thyroid cancer, and early detection and prevention are crucial.


The Role of the Thyroid and Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland located in front of the trachea. It plays a crucial role in metabolism by secreting thyroid hormones essential for maintaining body temperature and growth. The early symptoms of thyroid cancer are very subtle, making early detection difficult. Symptoms such as voice changes and neck pain can be easily mistaken for other common health issues. Often, a lump in the neck or difficulty breathing may prompt suspicion, but by this time, the cancer may have already progressed significantly. In men, due to the larger size of the Adam's apple, the tumor often remains unnoticed until it has grown considerably, leading to a more advanced stage at diagnosis.


The Importance of Early Detection in Men

Regular health check-ups are essential for the early detection of thyroid cancer in men. Many men neglect screenings because of the misconception that thyroid cancer primarily affects women. However, if symptoms like voice changes or neck pain occur, or if there is a family history of thyroid cancer, or if one has undergone radiation therapy to the head and neck area during childhood, regular screenings should be considered. Early detection significantly improves the success rate of treatment and prognosis.


Lifestyle and Thyroid Cancer Prevention

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for preventing thyroid cancer. It is important to prevent conditions that can disrupt metabolic regulation, such as obesity, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. Studies have shown that men with metabolic syndrome have a 15-58% higher risk of thyroid cancer compared to those without. Therefore, managing weight through a proper diet and regular exercise, as well as controlling blood pressure and cholesterol levels, can help reduce the risk of thyroid cancer.


Treatment Methods for Thyroid Cancer

When thyroid cancer is detected, surgical removal of the affected area is typically considered. In the past, surgery involved a wide incision in the neck to remove the thyroid, which carried risks of scarring and complications. However, various methods have been developed to minimize surgical areas.

Transoral Robotic Thyroidectomy

Recently, the "transoral robotic thyroidectomy" has been developed, which leaves almost no scars. This procedure involves inserting three precision robotic surgical instruments through the space between the lips and teeth to remove the thyroid. This method minimizes scarring and reduces postoperative pain and complications. It also allows for the preservation of neck function, making it highly popular among patients.



Men are not safe from thyroid cancer, and early detection and prevention are crucial. Regular health check-ups can help men detect thyroid cancer early, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can aid in prevention. If thyroid cancer occurs, it is important to seek treatment using the latest surgical methods. Minimally invasive techniques such as transoral robotic thyroidectomy can help reduce scarring, speed up recovery, and minimize complications.


Thyroid cancer can affect both men and women. Early detection improves treatment success rates, and prevention helps maintain health. Men should be aware of the risks of thyroid cancer and protect their health through regular check-ups and healthy lifestyle habits.
