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The Winter Snack King: Baked Sweet Potatoes vs. Boiled Sweet Potatoes.

by OK2BU 2023. 11. 19.

Sweet potatoes are widely known as a representative winter snack. Beyond their delightful taste, they offer various health benefits, such as aiding in the prevention of hypertension, fatty liver, and colorectal cancer, thanks to their rich fiber content. Particularly popular among those on a diet, sweet potatoes have a low calorie count, with raw sweet potatoes at 111kcal per 100g and boiled sweet potatoes at around 114kcal, providing a satisfying feeling of fullness. However, the way sweet potatoes are consumed can either aid or hinder weight loss. So, what is the most effective way to eat sweet potatoes while on a diet?


The Winter Snack King: Baked Sweet Potatoes vs. Boiled Sweet Potatoes.
Therefore, for those on a diet, it is advisable to steam or boil sweet potatoes instead of baking them, especially avoiding nighttime consumption.


For those on a diet, it is recommended to steam or boil sweet potatoes rather than bake them or consume them raw. The glycemic index of raw sweet potatoes is very low, below 50. The glycemic index indicates how quickly a food raises blood sugar, with values below 55 considered low and values exceeding 70 considered high. Boiled sweet potatoes also have a glycemic index similar to that of raw sweet potatoes. However, sweet potatoes baked for 45 minutes have a glycemic index more than twice as high as that of boiled sweet potatoes. A lower glycemic index slows down digestion, preventing overeating and aiding in weight loss. On the contrary, a higher glycemic index may lead to the conversion of blood glucose into fat, increasing the likelihood of accumulation in the body.


According to a booklet jointly published by the Rural Development Administration and Kyung Hee University titled 'Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load of Commonly Consumed Carbohydrate Foods in Koreans,' the glycemic load of steamed sweet potatoes and baked sweet potatoes is 70.8 and 90.9, respectively, indicating that baked sweet potatoes have a higher glycemic load. The glycemic load adjusts the glycemic index based on the amount of food consumed, providing a guideline for being cautious while consuming sweet potatoes.


However, there are important considerations. It is advisable to avoid consuming sweet potatoes at night. The metabolic rate decreases at night, making it easier for the sugars in sweet potatoes to accumulate, hindering digestion and absorption. Additionally, it is recommended not to consume sweet potatoes and peanuts together. Sweet potatoes mainly consist of starch, and peanuts also contain a significant amount of starch. Consuming them together may lead to weight gain. From a traditional medicine perspective, sweet potatoes and peanuts are considered opposing foods.


Therefore, for those on a diet, it is advisable to steam or boil sweet potatoes instead of baking them, especially avoiding nighttime consumption. Be cautious not to consume sweet potatoes and peanuts together, and strive for a healthy diet to support your weight loss journey.
