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Healthy Smartphone Usage Practices.

by OK2BU 2023. 11. 21.

Living without smartphones or computers in modern society has become nearly impossible. While these electronic devices make our daily lives more convenient, excessive use can lead to various health issues. In particular, hands and necks are most exposed to conditions caused by smartphone use. In this post, let's explore smart practices to protect hand and neck health in the context of smartphone use.


Healthy Smartphone Usage Practices.
The fact that smartphones have become an indispensable tool in our daily lives cannot be denied.


Relationship between Hand Disorders and Smartphone Use

Hands are one of the most frequently used areas when using electronic devices. Excessive use of fingers can lead to conditions such as trigger finger syndrome and finger arthritis. Trigger finger syndrome involves inflammation of the finger tendons, causing pain and a clicking sound when moving the fingers. It often occurs in the third and fourth fingers, and seeking immediate medical attention when symptoms arise is advisable. Finger arthritis results in swelling and stiffness, making it difficult to bend the fingers. Prolonged holding of heavy smartphones or frequent use of keyboards and mice can also strain the wrists, causing symptoms such as wrist pain and numbness in the fingers and palms, requiring treatment with steroids or support devices.


Relationship between Neck Disorders and Smartphone Use

Prolonged use of smartphones or monitors with incorrect posture can lead to the development of forward head posture syndrome. This condition signifies the deformation of the neck bones from a normal C-shape to a straight line, and in severe cases, it can cause the neck to protrude forward, accompanied by pain, headaches, and dizziness. Persistent forward head posture can lead to neck disc issues, where discs between the neck bones press on nerves, causing pain. These conditions can be improved with physical therapy, medication, and injections, but in severe cases, surgical treatment may be considered.


Recommended Usage Practices

When using smartphones or computers, it is important to keep the shoulders and chest in a comfortable position with the screen at eye level. If the screen is lower than eye level, there is an increased risk of bending the back and neck, so caution is needed. Utilizing a wrist support to ensure that the wrists and keyboard are horizontal is advisable. Keeping the wrists and fingers at a similar height can reduce the strain on the fingers. When typing, it's important to evenly use all five fingers to avoid strain on specific fingers.


Stretching and Relaxation

If smartphone use is frequent, regular stretching is recommended to prevent joint disorders. Rotating the wrists up and down and stretching the wrists by extending the arm can help relieve tension. Finger stretching involves placing the palm on the desk, fingers facing down, and slowly lifting the fingers. Soaking hands in warm water for 5-10 minutes before bedtime can relax muscles and promote blood circulation, maintaining overall hand health.


Adequate Rest and Exercise

For those who use smartphones or computers for extended periods daily, adequate rest and exercise are essential. Regular breaks help relax the body and loosen muscles. Specialized stretches or exercises for the neck and wrists can strengthen muscles and maintain flexibility.


The fact that smartphones have become an indispensable tool in our daily lives cannot be denied. However, to prevent health issues caused by smartphone use, it is crucial to adopt proper usage practices and incorporate stretching, rest, and exercise into our routines. Since hands and necks require consistent care in our daily lives, continuous attention and management are necessary for maintaining good health.
