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Foods to Eat and Avoid Before Exercise.

by OK2BU 2023. 11. 23.

The food you consume before exercising can significantly impact the effectiveness of your workout. Even if a food is generally considered healthy, consuming it inappropriately before exercise may lead to counterproductive effects. Let's explore which foods are suitable before a workout and which ones should be avoided.


Foods to Eat and Avoid Before Exercise.
Choosing the right foods is crucial for a healthy exercise routine.


Beneficial Choices: Sweet Potatoes and Dark Chocolate

Eating sweet potatoes before a high-intensity workout can enhance efficiency and aid muscle recovery through complex carbohydrates. Sweet potatoes also contain potassium, which helps prevent muscle cramps during exercise. However, it's important to note that baked sweet potatoes have a high glycemic index, requiring caution in consumption, and eating them on an empty stomach in the morning may increase acidity.


Opting for dark chocolate before exercising is also a good choice. The 'flavanols' found in cocoa powder assist in supplying oxygen to the muscles by expanding blood vessels. Choosing products with a cocoa content of over 70% in dark chocolate is even better for your health.


Exercise Caution: Green Vegetables and Fried Foods

It's advisable to avoid green vegetables rich in dietary fiber, such as lettuce and broccoli, before a workout. Dietary fiber, when undigested, can lead to the production of gas in the colon, causing abdominal bloating and gas discomfort. Nuts, being rich in dietary fiber, are also not ideal before exercise.


Additionally, it's best to steer clear of fried foods before a workout. Fried foods have a longer digestion time and may burden the stomach. Moreover, the fat content in fried foods can trigger acid reflux, causing discomfort during exercise.


Choosing the right foods is crucial for a healthy exercise routine. Enjoy a more effective workout and maintain your health by making wise dietary choices!
