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The Importance of Gut Bacteria Regulation: Why Am I the Only One Gaining Weight?

by OK2BU 2023. 11. 23.

Dieting is often considered a lifelong challenge for many, with achieving desired results proving to be challenging despite significant efforts. Especially perplexing is the situation where individuals seem to gain weight easily even when consuming similar amounts and types of food. One significant factor contributing to this issue is the role of 'gut bacteria,' with research indicating that obese individuals tend to have higher levels of specific gut bacteria.


The Importance of Gut Bacteria Regulation: Why Am I the Only One Gaining Weight?
However, excessive intake of dietary fiber may lead to constipation.


Obesity and the Increase in Firmicutes Bacteria

According to studies, obese individuals show a higher proportion of 'Firmicutes' among gut bacteria. Firmicutes promote the fermentation of sugars in the body, enhancing fat production and negatively impacting the activation of leptin, the appetite-suppressing hormone. In contrast, individuals with a lean physique tend to have higher levels of 'Bacteroidetes' in their guts. Bacteroidetes activate fat-degrading enzymes, contributing to weight loss and the burning of internal fat, while also helping lower blood sugar levels, aiding in diabetes prevention.


Diet-Induced Changes in Gut Bacteria

A study conducted at Washington University in the United States observed changes in gut bacteria over a year-long diet intervention with 12 obese patients. Before starting the diet, it was confirmed that obese individuals had a higher presence of Firmicutes compared to those with a lean body. However, as the participants progressed through the diet, Firmicutes decreased, and Bacteroidetes increased.


The Significance of Dietary Fiber

To alter the concentration of gut bacteria, it is essential to improve dietary habits. Particularly, consuming a moderate amount of dietary fiber is helpful in increasing Bacteroidetes and decreasing Firmicutes. Foods such as pickled cabbage, leafy greens (spinach, lettuce, kale), onions, and mushrooms are known to boost Bacteroidetes. These bacteria interfere with fat accumulation during the digestion of dietary fiber, promote the secretion of hormones inducing satiety, stabilize the immune system, and provide energy.


However, excessive intake of dietary fiber may lead to constipation. Therefore, it is recommended to combine protein and high-quality unrefined carbohydrates with fiber for a balanced approach. Achieving effective weight loss not only involves regulating gut bacteria but also maintaining a balanced diet. Since changes in gut bacteria significantly impact the success of a diet, finding a dietary approach that suits individual needs is crucial.
