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Belly Button Myths: Is It Dangerous to Clean When Lint Gets Trapped?

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 9.

While dust or lint caught in the belly button may go unnoticed during a shower, it's an area that requires proper care. The navel, a remnant organ left after the cutting of the umbilical cord at birth, can become a breeding ground for bacteria if not managed correctly. In this blog, we'll delve into the details of preventing bacterial growth and odor around the belly button through appropriate care methods.


Belly Button Myths: Is It Dangerous to Clean When Lint Gets Trapped?
Regular maintenance helps prevent bacterial growth and eliminates odor around the belly button.


Characteristics and Issues with the Belly Button

The belly button, a remnant organ left after the severing of the umbilical cord at birth, lacks any special function. However, its divided structure makes it susceptible to bacterial proliferation. The tissue around the navel is thinner compared to the surrounding skin, making it prone to bacterial growth. As a result, the area around the belly button can react sensitively to minor irritations, potentially leading to odor problems.


The Importance of Belly Button Care

While there's no need to forcibly remove lint from the belly button, proper showering usually takes care of it naturally. However, if stubborn lint persists or persistent odor arises, appropriate management is necessary. Avoid using fingers, nails, or sharp objects to prevent injuries; instead, opt for gentle cleaning using cotton swabs or pads.


Correct Methods for Belly Button Care

Use Gentle Tools: Employ soft tools like cotton swabs or pads to gently clean around the belly button. Moderate Pressure: When using tools such as nails or fingers, avoid applying excessive force. Overly vigorous cleaning can damage the skin. Avoid Irritants: Be cautious not to use overly abrasive substances around the belly button.


Relationship between Belly Button Care and Peritonitis

Contrary to some rumors, frequent cleaning of the belly button does not lead to peritonitis. Peritonitis refers to inflammation of the thin membrane that surrounds and protects the abdominal organs, and the firm fascia beneath the belly button makes the likelihood of peritonitis extremely low.


Regular maintenance helps prevent bacterial growth and eliminates odor around the belly button. Develop the habit of gentle care without applying excessive force to ensure a healthy belly button.
